Found a way to block an incurable cancer

Lock number of signals will allow doctors to affect cancer cells that are not amenable to radiation therapy. Scientists have found a new method of struggle with incurable cancer.

The mechanism that promotes the growth of resistant to radiation therapy of cancerous tumors, found Japanese researchers. They found that on the surface of cancer cells is the protein integrin. It enhances their interaction with the extracellular matrix, forming the basis of connective tissue.

It turned out that this protein is responsible for the communication of cells with certain molecules, transmits a signal and starts moving organelles in the cytoplasm. In accordance with these signals are cell attachment, and then their death.

The researchers blocked these signals. In the result of the organelles are unable to move from the center, and also decreased the ability of cancer cells to overcome cellular barriers. But the main achievement is active forms of oxygen, which began to highlight the mitochondria, oxidized and killed malignant cells. Scientists are convinced that the result of this treatment, malignant tumors will increase their sensitivity to radiation therapy, says MedicalXpress.

As previously wrote Dni.Ru scientists of the University of Georgia in the USA have proved that chemical compounds produced by the body when calorie restriction and denial for a while from the food, reduce the risk of developing cancer and have a rejuvenating effect.

Experts have found as β-hydroxybutyrate (beta-hydroxybutyric acid) affects the aging process. This connection provides the link between calorie restriction and slow the aging of the body.