Every Second forgetting to take the pill regularly

Young women in preventing almost exclusively with the anti-baby pill. But how exactly it works, many do not know clearly. Often, the ingestion is forgotten also, as a recent study by the University hospital of Erlangen.

Almost all of the respondents are young women between the ages of 14 and 19 years of age, 97.5% indicated to prevent currently. 86 percent of them took combined oral contraceptives. As the second most frequent sole method they called the condom (4.1 percent). About 2 percent used a vaginal ring, and only about 1 percent of the hormone – or copper spiral.

"For Teenagers, the pill is undoubtedly a good Wahl", explains study author Dr. Patricia G. Oppelt of the women’s clinic of the Erlangen University hospital. Assuming that the young women take the medication reliably – every day and at the same time. This seems to be a Problem: Although one in every four feels just around, the daily intake of as a nuisance, but almost half had in the last three months – up to twice the pill and more than one Tenth of this was forgotten more than three times happened.

The survey also serious knowledge brought gaps. Only a few Teenagers knew about, such as pill and Co act. Also about Alternatives to the pill most of the girls felt ill-informed. You could designate, on average, slightly more than five contraceptive methods, but had no detailed knowledge.

For the study "Thinking About Needs in COntraception" (TANCO) were interviewed of 18,500 German women and the attending gynecologist online according to the current Form of contraception and satisfaction. For the current partial evaluation, the journal "Obstetrics and Frauenheilkunde" was published, the researchers analyzed the responses of nearly 2700 participants between the ages of 14 and 19 years.
