Doctors have called the most harmful to stomach drinks

The drinks, which are poorly digested and harmful to the stomach are alcohol, coffee and energy.

According to doctors, are most harmful to the human stomach, is alcohol, because it contains the largest amount of toxic substances that destroy the body and negatively affecting all the organs, including the stomach. Experts recommend to limit the use of alcohol, and if consumed, regularly and in small quantities. It is not only about hard liquor, but cocktails and liqueurs. The last contains high amounts of sugar and chemical additives causing the mucous membrane of the stomach undergoes irritation.

In addition, doctors advise not to abuse coffee and tea — in a large number of these traditional drinks cause bloating, the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

No lesser danger for the body represent energy. They worsen the metabolism, disrupt digestion, and normal sleep.

Informed “The” reported that coffee and tea are not recommended for use by pregnant women because they contained caffeine negatively affects the development of a fetus.