15 best warming drinks for colds

The contents

Tea with honey and lemon

Tea with raspberries and lime

Ginger-orange drink

Broth hips

Cranberry or cranberry juice

Compote of dried fruits

Milk with garlic

Ginger tea

Lemon-mint cocktail

Hot milk with mineral water

Mulled wine

Chamomile tea

Tea with cardamom

Vermouth with honey

White wine with a banana

Fall, many people start to massively get sick. Colds and flu are walking across the country, and the treatment sometimes takes a long time. It is therefore necessary supplementary feeding in the form of vitamins and minerals. They can be a huge amount to see not only the different medicines, and beverages, are easy to cook. 15 recipes for warming drinks collected in this article. And they can drink as a treatment and a preventive agent.

Tea with honey and lemon

This is the most proven tool that drank our probabushki. Don’t know about it just lazy. When the first symptoms of colds need to add in a rather weak black or green tea a spoonful of honey and lemon juice (or slice of the fruit). But remember that lemon you need to add in cooled a little drink, so to better preserve the vitamin C.

Tea with raspberries and lime

Raspberry and lime blossom are an excellent diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. So adding them to your tea, you can find the strength for further achievements, even if the cold you were seriously crippled. By the way, you can use fresh raspberries but dried berries or leaves of this plant.

Ginger-orange drink

RUB the fresh ginger root on a fine grater (about 3-4 cm). Put it in a kettle or thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. From orange squeeze juice with pulp and add it to the tincture. After 15 minutes the drink is ready to use. Don’t forget to add honey to taste was pleasant and good for health.

Broth hips

Rosehip is rich in vitamin C, so it becomes a great source of this component, especially during a cold. It also has diuretic and choleretic effect. In order to use the hips to the maximum, you need to chop three tablespoons fruit pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and instruct in a thermos all night. In the morning strain and drink half a Cup four times a day for half an hour before meals. Also in the infusion of rose hips, you can add honey.

There are a prescription of a decoction of rose hips. Order dry fruits pour two cups of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes on low heat. Strain and drink lukewarm.

Cranberry or cranberry juice

Kluki and cranberries are indispensable helpers during a cold, as they have antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. For preparing the juice grind cranberries or cranberry with sugar in the ratio 3:1, pour two tablespoons of this mixture half a liter of warm water and drink.

Compote of dried fruits

In the dried fruit contains a huge amount of nutrients, making the juice an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. To brew, take 100 grams of dried fruit, simmer until soft for half an hour, add the sugar five minutes before cooking. Compote you can also add honey, orange or lemon. This will make it a truly fortified beverage, useful for colds.

Milk with garlic

In warm milk add 10 drops of garlic juice and drink for the night. How would it not sounded, but in the morning you will feel much better and will be able to do the usual things.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a wonderful remedy for immunity. A glass of hot water mix with one tablespoon of honey, tablespoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of crushed ginger root and a pinch of cinnamon.

Lemon-mint cocktail

The recipe for this cocktail is simple, and you can only drink it in the evening to morning removed all the symptoms. One tablespoon of peppermint leaves pour a glass of boiling water, heat for five minutes. Then add a teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly. In this mixture the finely worn put a clove of garlic, squeeze the juice of quarter of a lemon, pour a mint solution and mix. Drink for the night, in order to make progress in the morning.

Hot milk with mineral water

This drink will be effective for cough. Just mix hot milk with alkaline mineral water and drink. The sputum will be provided.

Mulled wine

Despite the fact that mulled wine many people associate with alcohol, it can get excellent cure for colds, because the drink contains a lot of useful components. The main thing to remember in this situation about the wine, replacing it with ordinary juice. For cooking you need: a liter of grape juice, an Apple, three slices of lemon, 2 tablespoons of raisins, 2 stars of star anise, cinnamon stick, hats cloves, nutmeg, two thin plates of fresh ginger, and honey.

Ginger should be cleaned and cut into thin slices, an Apple cut into slices. In a saucepan pour the juice, put the Apple, lemon, raisins and sugar to boil, but not boil. Once on the surface of bubbles appear, turn off the heat and add the remaining spices. Cover the mixture with a lid and let steep for 10 minutes. Then you can drink. Preferably hot, so if the drink has cooled down, easily can be heated in a saucepan.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is not only soothing properties but also eliminates inflammation. Mix a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with Linden flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand 20 minutes. Then strain. You need to drink three times a day, one third of the glass. For greater use you can add a spoonful of honey.

Tea with cardamom

Take 3 cm of fresh ginger root, grate it on a fine grater. Then fill it with water in a saucepan and cook on heat for 10 minutes. After removing from heat, add 1 teaspoon of green or black loose leaf tea 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom and 2 cloves Bud. Steep for five minutes, then drink, letting it cool slightly drink.

Vermouth with honey

By the way, alcohol can also cope with colds. Such recipes include vermouth with honey. You need to mix a glass of alcoholic drink with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice, then heat to 80 degrees. Cool, the drink should take only a few SIPS three times a day.

White wine with a banana

Another effective remedy is a dry white wine. You need to mash the banana to a pulp, add the juice of half a lemon and a glass of wine. Bring this mixture to a boil, warm up for several minutes and drink the cooled beverage. Be healthy!