Postpartum contraception: how to protect themselves after birth?

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The choice of method of contraception after childbirth

Methods of contraception after childbirth

In the life of every family sooner or later comes the most important event in life – the birth of a child. Parents absorbed in caring for the child, sleepless nights. And for the first time not in a hurry to have a second baby. And doctors recommend to plan the next pregnancy after one to two years. This raises the question about contraception after childbirth. To choose one or the other method is considered most suitable for women. Magicforum gathered tips on using different types of contraception after pregnancy.

On the resumption of sexual life after giving birth often wonder how mom and dads. Given that the birth of a child for any body big load, don’t hurry. Doctors advise to begin an intimate relationship and not before the sixth week after birth, assuming no complications. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist. He after examination will tell whether it is possible to begin intimate life, or worth to wait.

Families who do not think about the choice of contraception, you risk dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Only in conjunction with a specialist it is possible to properly choose a reliable and efficient method.

The choice of method of contraception after childbirth

Choosing a method of birth control it is imperative to know about its strengths and weaknesses. The woman nursing the baby’s chest should choose contraception does not reduce lactation. Also recorded the frequency of breastfeeding and how much time passed after the birth. The chosen contraceptive should not only protect the woman but not to harm the health of the baby when feeding. For example, hormonal contraceptives during this period is not suitable, as they will impact on the entire female organism and will not allow you to continue to breastfeed. Therefore, in this case, you will have to choose a barrier method of contraception, because it will not intervene in the processes that occur in the body.

If a woman doesn’t breast-feeding a baby, you can choose any method which is more comfortable for her. In this case, the hormonal contraceptivescan also be used, but only after consultation with the doctor and after the analysis on hormones because hormones after giving birth is very unstable and tablets can greatly to affect him in particular, not for the better.

It is important to remember that every contraceptive has a different efficiency, some have limitations and not everything you can begin to apply immediately after birth. Sometimes different methods are combined to achieve maximum protection against unwanted pregnancy. What specific method is suitable for couples can only suggest competent doctor.

Methods of contraception after childbirth

Nowadays there are three main methods of contraception: natural, non-hormonal and hormonal. Each method is divided into categories depending on what exactly is used as a contraceptive.

The natural method of contraception is ineffective, requires compliance with certain rules. Group natural prevention include abstinence, lactational amenorrhea, and the calendar method.

1) Abstinence is shown in the first six weeks after birth. During this period there is a restoration of the tone of the uterus, genital tract, General health. Early sexual relations can lead to injuries and infections of the genital organs. This method is short-term, and will not use couples.

2) Lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive effect when the regular latch the baby to breast. Contraceptive effect is provided by the hormone prolactin is responsible for lactation and inhibits ovulation. As soon as the interval between feedings increases and decreases the contraceptive effect. The method is suitable to the time of resumption of menses. The advantages of the lactational amenorrhea: the complete elimination of the negative impact on the body of the child and women. Cons – does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, with increasing interval of feeding or introduction of solid foods requires the use of other contraceptives.

3) the Calendar method is that it calculates the period of possible conception, during which you should refrain from sexual intercourse. The method is used only when fully established the menstrual cycle.

To the non-hormonal group belongs intrauterine contraception intrauterine device, introduction of which may recommend a gynecologist after examination. Its main task is not to give oplodotvorenie the egg will attach to the uterine cavity. The method has many advantages: highly effective when used; does not reduce lactation; has no negative impact on the health of mother and child; can be used for a long time. Disadvantages when using intrauterine device introduction and extraction is carried out only by gynecologist; sometimes affects the duration of the menstrual cycle, periods can become more abundant.

Hormonal method of contraceptionis associated with the oral contraceptive pill (mini-pill). The basis of the mini-pill comes with a progestogen. The pill does not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk. Hormonal method is used nursing mothers. But with the onset of the menstrual cycle the effectiveness of the method decreases. The advantage of receiving mini-pill is a high level of protection and prevention of unwanted pregnancy when regular and correct intake. Recovery of function is possible to conceive after discontinuation of the pill. The disadvantages when using the mini-pill is that simultaneous use of antibiotics and anti-depressants reduced the effectiveness of the contraceptive. Possible bleeding. Mini-pill is not recommended for use in the presence of kidney and liver, ovarian cysts and pregnancy.

So, the article addressed the most common methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy. Most of them have several advantages and their use will not harm the health of mother and baby. To recommend one method or another can only be a doctor.

Previously, scientists said that postpartum depression can appear after a birth.