For 11 years a woman took the pills, because her Parkinson’s was diagnosed. Just this summer, a doctor noted that the diagnosis was wrong – and for the woman, a new life began.
In 2007, a woman from Dortmund received the terrible diagnosis: Parkinson’s. The incurable nerve to suppress and contain the disease, swallowed the woman tablets, nine pieces for every day, for eleven years. Over 36,000 pills she has swallowed up to today, such as the “Ruhr news” reports.
But the tablets have not helped, according to the report, the woman, myself, have had the feeling that the tablets your more damage – she has taken it but still.
“I didn’t know what to do with my feelings”
Because her heart had become a few months ago weaker was the wife recently four days in the hospital. There is a specialist of the Dortmund hospital, had expressed doubts about their Parkinson’s diagnosis, and sent them to a neurologist.
After a Datscan to the neurologist, then the result is: The woman has no Parkinson’s disease. Then you have disposed of the medicines at last and was completely re-blossomed. “I told the Baker’s strangers that I don’t have Parkinson’s. The have congratulated me. And I wanted to cry with happiness. Because I didn’t know what to do with my feelings,” she told the “Ruhr Nachrichten”.