Skin care of hands at home

The contents

How to care for your hands at home?

Recipes of scrubs and peelings that you can use at home

As at home to do baths for hands?

Care of nails and cuticles

Winter care

Summer skin

11 factors influencing the deterioration of the skin of the hands

Healthy and soft skin on hands— a priceless natural gift that we must protect and properly care. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure for skin care of hands, cuticles and nails at home, because it is possible at any time and with minimal costs. Your skin is the most tender, soft, sensitive and quickly responds to adverse external effects. To keep it beautiful, healthy, silky appearance, it is necessary to conduct at least once a week a full range of treatments, which consists of several stages. Magicforum find out what you need to do to your skin was soft and healthy.

How to care for your hands at home?

Stages of care of a skin of hands

Purification. Hand wash in warm water at 37 degrees C with mild detergents: foam or cream soap and a towel to dry hands.

Massage should be carried out with a soft, slightly apply pressure, circular movements, starting with the fingers one at a time, gradually moving to the palm, then the back of the hands, and then to the wrist.

The use of a scrub or peeling. For women under 30 years it is better to try to use the scrubs, for women older than 30 more deep cleaning, i.e. peeling, they will help to otkluchitsa keratinized skin, give Shine and silkiness. Homemade body scrubs, hand care should be applied for 5-7 minutes, scrub for 3-5 minutes.

Recipes of scrubs and peelings that you can use at home

The first recipe using 50 grams of sour cream or cream and thick insoluble coffee 1-2 tsp

Second RotzPT – 2 to 2.5 tbs. lime honey, 1 egg yolk, 50 — 70 gr. sour cream

Third recipe
– sea salt large 25 gr. cereal oatmeal grind and add 3-5 tbsp. yogurt 50 — 70 gr.

The fourth recipe – refined oil of the olive tree 2 tbsp. sugar 30 gr.

At home you can do peels. Here are a few simple recipes.

  • honey 2.5 tbsp, 1 tsp melted warm melted wax to RUB 35-40 gr. on a coarse grater peel of lemon;
  • 3 tbsp drinking coffee grounds, 30-40 Gy. vegetable oil, walnut, coconut or olive, 2-4 drops of oil of bergamot or orange.
  • half banana, 30 gr. used coffee grounds ground coffee, 40 gr. milk, 35-40 gr. fat 25% cream;
  • crushed orange peel or grapefruit 25 gr. 1 dessert spoon of warm melted beeswax, 35-40 gr. walnut, coconut or olive oil.

As at home to do baths for hands?

Baths of the decoction can be done by combining a variety of herbs. To do this, you need to brew 2-3 dessert spoons per litre of water, leave for 20-25 minutes in a water bath. Calendula, chamomile, providing healing and anti-bacterial effect on the skin; oak bark will help to get rid of sweating hands; Linden, Valerian will soothe the skin; sage, plantain — leaves skin silky;

Nourish the skin with masks. Different masks will help with skin problems. The mask is applied to damp skin for 8-15 minutes, putting the top rubber gloves for better effect.

  • Mask of 1 egg yolk and 2 drops of vitamin a retinol, D, E, which will restore the epidermis the skin from damage;
  • The mask of a banana and 2 tbsp. of cream will soften the skin;
  • Mask 4 — 6 tbsp of grapefruit, lemon or orange juice, and 50 grams. yogurt will bleach the skin;
  • Mask from the crushed seeds of flax 35 GRS. perepelinogo and 1-2 egg yolks will increase the elasticity of the skin;

Hydration. After each purification process, washing your hands to use moisturizer, you can store, but you can try to create cream at home. A home based moisturizer will serve as: glycerine, beeswax, vegetable oil (olive, vegetable, coconut, flax), butter, visceral fat, badger fat, goose fat. Individual moisturizers, you can add aromatic oils, herbal infusions, fruit juices, vegetables, with liquid retinol and vitamin E.

Care of nails and cuticles

The cuticle protects the skin from bacteria, and various infections and microbes. Incorrect care will lead to hangnails, inflammation and damage to the nail plate of the fingers. It is more likely to take baths, brush moisturizing and nourishing creams, perfect such as the skin of the hands. We should not take the nail protection cutting off the cuticle, preferably after softening to push a wooden spatula.

Nails are dead cells with the addition of protein — keratin. Affect grown nail, you can only visually, but for a healthy and beautiful growth of the nail plate should follow a few rules:

  • use special strengthening nail Polish;
  • to give the nails a rest, after each application of varnish or build-up;
  • to file nails from the edge to the middle in one direction;
  • only use nail files with fine spray of glass, ceramics;

Winter care

Care rules in winter is a little different from the rules of skin care in summer. That’s the most important thing you need to know to care for hands.

  • hand wash only with warm, 37 degrees water;
  • about 15 minutes before going outdoors, apply a special cream to protect from frost and wind;
  • wear gloves made of natural fabrics;
  • more likely to use a nourishing cream;

Summer skin

In summer, the hands do not need more protection from snow or cold, but the skin suffers from the sun and wind. It is important to follow the rules of care.

  • For 20 minutes before use sunscreen with a high SPF over 50;
  • doing country work, use gloves;
  • use more moisturizing creams.

11 factors influencing the deterioration of the skin of the hands

  • wrong food;
  • minimal use of clean drinking water;
  • disease;
  • weather conditions — UV, rain, snow, frost;
  • bad habits;
  • age;
  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • work with bare hands from household chemicals without gloves;
  • constant stress, fatigue;
  • disturbance in the body and the skin metabolic processes;
  • improper means and household chemicals to care for skin on the hands.
  • Rules quality care.
  • keep your hands clean;
  • washing soap with a moisturizing or emollient effect;
  • to do daily douches;
  • wipe dry;
  • be sure to apply moisturizer;
  • to prevent mechanical damage of the skin;
  • when using household chemicals, be sure to wear gloves;
  • in the cold, frosty time of the year to avoid hypothermia, wear gloves.

Previously it was told how to take care of hands at home.