“Sad” diet: what food triggers depression

British scientists for five years studied the diet of 3500 office workers. And came to the conclusion that people who eat vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry, 25% less likely to suffer depressive disorders. But these products, on the contrary, badly affect hormonal balance and cause depression:

1. Chocolate

Yes, a bar of milk chocolate is not an antidepressant, as many people think. It has enough cocoa, but lots of sugar. And it increases the level of glucose and causes fluctuation of insulin in the blood. This leads to a bad mood.

But bitter chocolate with cocoa content from 70% of scientists consider useful for vessels and mental state.

2. Coffee

The drink fell out of favor for something that causes psychological dependence. One or two cups of coffee will not hurt, but the habit of drinking gallons of coffee causes fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, weakness and depression.

3. Fast food

Fatty, sweet, salty. Such a triple blow to the taste buds at first makes us happier. Then makes you come back for pleasant emotions. In the end, we get to endorfiny “hook”: there is a dependence that makes us all time to eat fat, salt and sugar.

Scientists from the University of Granada (Spain) found that such a diet leads to depression and increased aggressiveness. 9 thousand fans of fast food have admitted that they seized the longing and dissatisfaction of others.

4. Alcohol

In medicine, there is even a diagnosis of “alcoholic depression”. Alcohol causes a deficiency of serotonin and increases the production of norepinephrine, the hormone of aggression. It is a powerful provoker of mental illness: first, the person feels euphoric, and in the morning – sorrow, anxiety and irritability.

If to rotate constantly, can develop the same alcohol depression: suicidal thoughts, feeling of worthlessness, fatigue and a constant feeling of guilt. So, flooding sorrows in alcohol, we are more pushed into the depressive pit.

5. Margarine

It’s funny, but it does not even eat the cockroaches. Scientists are asked to refrain from margarine and people: it contained trasniti provoke cancer and upset the balance of omega acids in the body. And this leads to diabetes, heart and autoimmune diseases, and depression.

6. Cakes

Again, it is important to know as: one bun will not provoke you mental disorder. But the habit of eating them constantly can: baking can cause discomfort, constipation and bloating in the intestines.

It would seem, and here the mood? But with more and more clinical studies have proved that disturbances in the gut can lead to depression. Scientists even think seriously about how to treat this disorder diet.

Details about the connection of “gut-brain”, we introduce in the article “Probiotics improve mood and brain function”.