Berry diet. The benefits and efficiency of the berries for weight loss

The contents

Berry diet: how the right diet?

What should be the diet for the berry diet?

How useful berries for your health?

Is it worth it to sit down on a berry diet?

Berries is a unique product that nature gave us. Berries represent a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties and give us a vivid sense at the expense of taste. Now is the season of gathering berries important to know what the health benefits are berries and their role in weight loss. Magicforum figured out how to lose weight with berries.

Berry diet: how the right diet?

Berry diet helps you to lose weight without giving up is actually from the sweet. A lot of people want to get rid of extra pounds, and one of the popular methods which are now hearing is a berry diet. A large number of people interested in what results it gives such a diet and what kind of berries promote weight loss?

However, the fact that one of the most effective diet does not exist. We all know that all necessary measure, even in the use of any products. Then the harm will not be. Correct balanced diet is the main key in achieving the goal.

Our body is complicated so it needs a full range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Therefore, in the process of losing weight, it is recommended not to stick to berry diet and arrange fasting days on the basis of berries. Moreover, no matter how unique and useful were not berries – they are, admittedly, rare in our diet, particularly in the long winter.

What should be the diet for the berry diet?

So you’ve decided to arrange a fasting day. For a basis we can take three pounds of sweet berries and divide them into five or more receptions. Please note, if you chose, for example, on the cherries, one and a half kilos of the berries contains about fifteen hundred calories. And, for example, those same three pounds of strawberries, raspberries or currants contain even less calories. At lunch time you can Supplement the berries with a slice of cheese and need to consume the liquid, good hot herbal or green tea.

For dinner it is recommended to eat fifty to one hundred grams of cottage cheese, be sure to lean, or fit easy dessert in combination with ice cream – about two hundred grams of berries, to which is added one tablespoon natural creamy ice cream. About the ice cream you can not worry, because a small amount of natural fat will give you less impact on health than the products that are positioned as “light” and diet Packed with TRANS fats. Berry smoothies combined with yogurt or kefir is also a good idea for any day. In our lengthy winter well out the pre-frozen berries.

It is best to cook fruit drinks, not sweet fruit drinks. Make it pretty simple: about three hundred grams of berries with the addition of two or more spoonfuls of sugar pour one liter of water. Berries with sugar should be crushed and allow time to infuse. If the water is strongly evaporated, it is possible to add and over low heat bring to a boil. Immediately after that, remove the pan from the heat. The resulting drink effective thirst quencher and a little sugar. Also this moderate heat treatment contributes to a “loss” only of vitamin C.

There is a berry that on the contrary, is contraindicated for those who want to lose weight, but luckily the only thing is the grapes. The fact that it contains in its composition the sugar in large quantities, although, to his credit, there are a lot of acids that help to rejuvenate the skin. Whatever portion of the grapes which has the benefit of three hundred grams per day, but no more.

Watermelon – berry is also effective in the fight against obesity. If dense dinner replace watermelon, this berry will effectively contribute to the cleansing of the body. The only thing in those days, when you eat watermelon, you need to control the amount of salt consumed. It would be better if you exclude smoked meat and sausages as well as spicy food.

How useful berries for your health?

This use of berries ends. The berries contain antioxidants and vitamin A. No less valuable and are substances such as phytosterols that have properties to rejuvenate the skin and help it stay elastic. At the same time, the berries in large quantities are present fiber and acid, so those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, intestines or other organs more healthier to eat fruits that were pre-treated with heat: berry pies, fruit drinks, mashed berries.

If you believe the popular recipes, swelling come to the aid of cherry, for the joints will be useful currant, the common cold is extremely effective is raspberry, useful for the heart to be strawberry… But remember, if we are talking about treatment or prevention of diseases, the berries will not replace drugs! Consider the berries only as a handy source of vitamins and minerals. By the way, to achieve a confirmed medicine therapeutic effect, eat the berries have each day in very large volumes.

For example, the joints were again healthy, in what quantities will have to use currants? Or as cherries can cure swelling, if it’s a lot of water. It would be much smarter to control the amount of salt consumed.

If we consider the effects of berries on the process of losing weight, the conclusion is that the berries, both in the General and other products is just one of the important components of a sensible balanced diet.

It is recommended to freeze the berries for the winter. This is due to the fact that the berries which were collected in their natural season, contain much more vitamins, minerals and other nutrients than even fresh are sold in the winter.

Is it worth it to sit down on a berry diet?

Any nelechena diet can harm the health. It is important to understand, if you want to lose weight with no other ingredients. However, if such a diet is not too long, it may be a good option. In addition, your body will definitely thank you if you include in your diet such a unique natural product like berries.

Previously it was shown that a diet with lots of fats is not dangerous for the waistline.