The contents
Yellow vegetables and fruits
Green vegetables and fruits
Orange vegetables and fruits
Red vegetables and fruits
Purple vegetables and fruits
White vegetables and fruits
The color of spices and health
Color of juices and health
Bright, beautiful fruits and vegetables pleasing to the eye, as a real decoration of the table. However, choosing your menu vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, it is necessary to be guided not only by aesthetic considerations. The fact that the color of plant foods can give a hint about their usefulness for the human body, the ability to have a beneficial effect on health. Magicforum found out, what does the color of the fruit.
Yellow vegetables and fruits
Fruits vegetable and fruit crops, with coloring of different shades of yellow, can help promote healthy eyes and skin, which, incidentally, is due to they contain carotene. Carotene is a provitamin of vitamin A, necessary for normal functioning of view. In addition, this vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails. Favorably affecting the skin, hair and teeth, these plant foods not only promotes health, but also have a positive effect on a person’s appearance. To foods containing carotene are: yellow pepper, carrot, corn, peach, pineapple, pumpkin, cantaloupe and apricots. They are rich other valuable vitamins and minerals.
For example, corn contains selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, copper, iodine, phosphorus, omega-3.
In turn, yellow pepper contains a lot of lutein, which protects the retina from free radicals.
Pineapple, in addition to vitamin A, contains many vitamins of group B and C, and Nicotinic acid (PP). It is also a valuable source of copper, zinc, iron, potassium and manganese. Accelerates the treatment of edema and promotes weight loss.
Carrots, in addition to the carotene, also contains lutein.
Apricots– a source of natural antioxidants, have anti-cancer effects and slows down the aging process. Moreover, they positively affect blood pressure, digestion and kidney function.
Green vegetables and fruits
Herbal products green can be recommended for cleaning the body of toxic substances. These include: broccoli, Kale, parsley, cucumber, green pepper, green peas, beans, celery.
Broccoliis also known for its strong antitumor activity and beneficial effects on vision.
Parsley has many vitamins C, E and magnesium, there’s calcium and potassium. Therefore, in addition to cleansing the body parsley helps in the treatment of urolithiasis.
Orange vegetables and fruits
The orange color in the color of fruit and vegetable crops indicates their ability to counteract cancer. All of these products, for example, oranges, tangerines, carrots, orange sweet bell peppers are rich sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene. Besides oranges and tangerines contain a lot of B vitamins, potassium and fiber.
Red vegetables and fruits
Red fruits and vegetablesmeans they are able to support and encourage normal heart function. In this group, first of all, it should highlight red grapes, pomegranate, tomatoes and red pepper. Tomatoes and peppers are an excellent source of potassium, which, in addition to supporting the work of the heart, purifies, and relaxes blood vessels. Potassium is known for the fact that it affects the normal functioning of muscles, controlling their ability to contract, is responsible for compliance with the body’s acid-base balance and stimulates insulin secretion.
Purple vegetables and fruits
Purple vegetables and fruits contribute to longevity. Products of this color is, first and foremost, zucchini, tit cabbage, dark grapes, blueberries and blackberries. The zucchini has a lot of vitamins C, PP, B1, and carotene.Grapes protects against hypertension and cancer. In addition, beneficial effects of their action on elements of the cardiovascular system. Fruits purple are also a good source of vitamin C and flavonoids.
White vegetables and fruits
The white color in the color of fruitsand vegetables tells about their good effect on the immune system of the body. This group includes: onion, garlic, celery root, parsley root, mushrooms and cauliflower. Onions and garlic not only strengthens the body but also have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, so they are often called “natural antibiotics”. In turn, the celery contains a lot of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and zinc, and a full set of vitamins. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, spasmolytic effect, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the entire body. Celery is also used in rheumatism and arthritis, and improves heart function. Also this plant has a positive effect on the nervous system.
The color of spices and health
A separate group of products represent the spices that the color can be divided into groups depending on ability to promote health.
Spice yellow, which include popular ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and turmeric to stimulate digestion, improve circulation and induce a tonic effect on the entire body. Turmeric is called the “spice of life”, as it protects the liver, brain and heart, increases overall body resistance to disease.
In turn, red spices, e.g., chili pepper, sweet pepper, chilli pepper, pepperoni, curry, a great way to promote weight loss, because they contained the alkaloid capsaicin, eliminate fatty tissue.
Green spices, which include sage, thyme, mint, dill, oregano and Basil – perfectly affect digestion, stimulating the intestines and stomach.
Color of juices and health
Beneficial health effects also have colored juices. When depression makes use of the juices of beets, spinach, apples and carrots.
In the case of a cold is recommended to use fresh juices of carrot, pineapple, ginger and garlic.
For pain healthy juices from apples, celery, Kale, ginger and cucumber.
In hypertension it is recommended that the juice of celery, apples, beets and cucumber, with ginger.
Stress well relieve bananas, strawberries and pear.
But against constipation can be recommended, first of all, grape, carrot, cabbage and Apple juice.
In conclusion, it should be noted that to achieve the health effect all plant foods selected for home-made juices must be grown organically, without chemicals. In addition, if possible, they should be prepared from fresh fruit and vegetables just before use.
Informed scientists call the products that will help create a tanning effect.