The contents
Use of the Solarium
The dangers of Solarium
The rules of Solarium
The summer sun is hidden behind gloomy clouds and, therefore, the sun is already possible and not to dream. Therefore, revenue girls and boys comes the Solarium — it is possible not only to attain a beautiful skin tone, but also get a hefty dose of vitamin D. this use of the Solarium will be discussed in the material. But do not think that everything is so rosy — Solarium causes irreparable harm. On the rules of Solarium harm and benefit, read the article.
Use of the Solarium
First, it’s a great cosmetic effect. Thanks to the Solarium you will find a desirable skin tone. A Solarium is a good cleanser.
Second, the Solarium and has a therapeutic effect. It can be used to warm up the muscles that will promote relaxation. Also disinfect the lungs. The fact that the energy of light has a positive effect on a number of processes that occur in the body. Including impact on metabolism.
Thirdly, due to the Solarium to improve the immune system. If you prone to frequent colds, it is possible to cope with the abundance of infections.
Fourthly, reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The fact that the Solarium ensures the synthesis of vitamin D, due to the lack of which worsens the absorption of calcium. If you lose the chances of getting osteoporosis increase significantly.
Fifthly, you will notice the benefit and in the extended, but not brought to chronic varicose vessels of the legs. The Solarium will be a necessary preventative measure.
Finally, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of hypertension and to eliminate a number of other problems: psoriasis, acne, hair loss.
The dangers of Solarium
But do not think that everything is so smooth. Of course, neither one of the useful properties of the Solarium does not negate the harm.
First, it increases the speed of the aging process and wear of the body. The person from visiting the Solarium faster wrinkles appear, visually, this tan makes people older.
Second, the sting causes a burning of the tissue more often than natural rays.
Also, the probability of melanoma development. The ultraviolet A-rays starts the production of melanin, which leads to a terrible disease.
In addition, the Solarium inevitably leads to aggravation of all chronic diseases. Most often this leads to the formation of cancer. And the most common of them — skin cancer.
The rules of Solarium
Before you go to the Solarium, wash with soap and water. To make it better for a couple of hours before the procedure. Also refrain on this day from the use of perfumes and any cosmetics. Some tools may contain photosensitizing means, which in the end will lead to skin irritation.
In the Solarium it is necessary to use sunscreen. Also do not forget about protective lip balm and face to these parts of the body were also protected from harmful UV rays. Be sure to cover the eyes using sunglasses. The same applies to the breast. This is especially necessary for people who are over 30.
When taking medicines it is best to consult with your doctor if you can visit the Solarium. The fact that some of them can increase the sensitivity of skin and cause sun Allergy.
It is not necessary to take a sun bath completely naked. This is especially dangerous for breast and genitals.
After tanning, too, need to take certain measures. In particular, should drink a Cup of herbal tea or a juice with vitamin C. after an hour or two take a shower and apply a moisturizing solution.
Keep in mind that too frequent visits to tanning can lead to disastrous consequences. Trying to find black skin tone, you risk getting various diseases. It is optimal to attend such procedure, not earlier than the day. The number of sessions depends on your skin type and is determined individually. Typically, people need four to seven procedures.
So, if you first skin type, which will carry the brown-haired brunettes with dark eyes, hair and dark skin, I advise you to visit a Solarium 12 times for 15-20 minutes.
In the second type of leather — brown-haired women with pale or slightly dark skin, without freckles and with dark nipple — suitable to the following schedule: first session – 10 minutes, the second and subsequent to 30. A break in one day.
The third type of skin include light-skinned people with light eyes and a few freckles. They can use the Solarium no more than three times a week for five minutes.
But the fourth skin type is at risk. People with very light, even pale skin, hair color which gives reddishness and lots of freckles. They should not visit a Solarium in principle. You should also be careful when going out in the sun. You should always use sunscreen, because the probability of burn injury.
The tanning should not be applied to a certain type of people. For example, it is better not to go for people with very sensitive skin, children and people with various skin diseases. Any type of scar, scar or rash should be a cause for consultation with a specialist about whether you access to the sun room.
Also, you should alert cancer predisposition. For example, do not go to the Solarium in mastopathy, endometriosis, myoma nodules and other diseases, including chronic.
Menstrual cycles are also a contraindication. Also, you should alert any other bleeding.
Not to visit the Solarium for tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, blood diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems. When bouts of hypertension also should forget about the tan using a Solarium.
If you have no contraindications, then sunbathe in the Solarium for health!