How to protect your skin from the urban environment?

The contents

Contamination of the skin. How to protect your skin?

“Urban” pollutants of the skin

We rarely think about it the top layer of the body. This is the part that is first exposed to sometimes dangerous environment in which we live. No matter how well we take care of our skin, there are always things that we can effectively defend themselves, and everyone should strive for that. Magicforum figured out how to protect skin from contamination.

If you live in the so-called urban environment, life can look quite “clean”, “Packed” and “sanitized”, etc. However, the air on the streets of the city hides its little danger. We are not saying that if you go out without face masks in the city, your skin or you will suffer. Not at all. We are talking about the fact that the damage from the urban environment and its harmful toxins can be minimized with minimal effort.

Contamination of the skin. How to protect your skin?

In practice, the word is quite common and refers mainly to the pollution, which is visible in certain areas of the environment in which we live. However, pollution can also be invisible. It can be in different forms. And this may prevent your skin to be healthy and beautiful.

But what exactly causes contamination in the urban environment?

Not particularly clean urban environment may be the cause of dry skin, clogged pores, discoloration and acne and age spots. The city is unclean and dusty environment, also can cause allergic reactions on the skin, skin inflammation and the most hated for all of premature aging. It is clear that it is a process that could not be detected for several months or years, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Urban pollution can also have the greatest impact on the most exposed parts of the body – the face, neck and hands, making them too sensitive and receptive to other unpleasant reactions.

“Urban” pollutants of the skin

Is the cigarette smoke(even if you don’t smoke). Street dust, carbon dioxide, the excessive use of air fresheners in the premises, such as shopping malls, shops and offices. Any ingredients contained in the perfume, cosmetics and so on. All of these can harm our skin slowly but surely, regardless of how clean and beautiful urban environment you live in.

What can we do toprotect the skin?

Internal contaminants that are in the room, can contribute to irritated skin and clogged pores. To prevent this, you should always ventilate the room. As much as possible. Open Windows at both ends of your home or office it can provide proper ventilation to get rid of the stagnant and contaminated air. It is a process that you can repeat several times a day, it does not require much effort or action.

Outdoor pollutants such as smog, dust in the streets, the remains of different types of garbage, toxic fumes from cars and other harmful substances for the body. These external pollutants harmful to the skin because they increase the amount of free radicals in the environment in which we live. They cause some damage to the skin of the body. These free radicals damage your skin cells by increasing oxidation of the environment. The list of such “pests” is not short, but, on the other hand, as we have said, there are ways to protect yourself, even outside on the street.

There is a very simple, everyday techniques we can do to protect your skin from the dangers of urban and contaminated environments.

1. It is easier to wash the face. Yes, it’s as easy as it seems. Washing the face once and then a second time, the probability that the trace contaminants can be washed off increase. For this purpose we can use different types of solutions that are not harmful to the skin and effectively remove any harmful substances, adhering to the outside. Makeup also retains most of the external contaminants. So as soon as came from the street, immediately wash off the makeup.

2. “Remove” pollutants, exfoliating cosmetics. Yes, they will help to literally remove the top layers of the skin which have accumulated all the toxins. Periodic otshelushivaet leads to successful elimination of skin irregularities, elimination of inflammation, the cause of which may be external contamination.

3. Antioxidants. Sure, the food, and in particular the antioxidants that we get from food is of paramount importance when it comes to healthy and beautiful skin. They fight against free radicals, and vitamins help make the skin more healthy and young. Antioxidants can be obtained if to eat healthy food. Some antioxidants are also contained in some products for the skin. They contain large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E. These ingredients help the skin fight against harmful effects of the urban environment.

4. Hydration. This applies to the skin. It should be a good and balanced level, if we want to look young and be healthy. If you are serious about this topic, use a good moisturizer for the skin. It will contain a sufficient amount of antioxidants that allow your skin to recover, even when you are outdoors. At the same time, water and antioxidants will also create a barrier between the skin and outer “pests” in the urban environment.

5. Avoid the rush hour. In that moment, when all the cars in the city seemed to go on the street, it is advisable to be on the street. At least not for your skin. At this time, the level of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases that set hundreds of cars, much higher. Logically – if you avoid to go in these moments of the day, you will reduce the risk that your skin will breathe these fumes.

6. Sunscreen is important for healthy and shiny skin, of course. There should be no reason not to use sunscreen, especially in summer when the sun is much stronger. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is mission number one in the summer season and especially in the hours spent on the beach. Here’s why you should choose a good sunscreen to protect your skin.

7. Water! We always have a bottle of water at hand. Especially in the hot months of the year, get dehydrated pretty quickly. And it is obvious, of course, for the skin. Water is a good way to hydrate the body not only on the beach but in an urban environment, when the skin is exposed to other harmful influences. However, when we drink water, we also moisturize the skin. The same effect can be achieved if there are some fruits with high water content. This is a different citrus, melon and apples.

Previously, scientists have proven that diet will help to protect the skin.