Foods that help to keep warm in the fall

According to scientists, with the onset of the cold season in the food you should eat foods that help the body regulate thermogenesis – the process of heat production.

“Eat foods that activates the production of heat by burning calories,” recommend experts.
The most effective from the point of view of the thermogenesis is protein foods, which includes meat, poultry, fish, offal and dairy products, the researchers noted. In addition, the ability to warm the body from the inside have products with lots of caffeine. Coffee and tea, according to scientists, stimulate the metabolism and release fatty acids, which ensures warmth.

The following experts are called legumes, and wholegrain cereals. Physicians noted that their use not only encourages the body to produce more heat, but also has a positive effect on the microbiome of the intestine.

Also physicians recommend eating seasonal foods – primarily vegetables, which provide a variety of vitamins and complex carbohydrates, essential for energy production. In addition, perfectly warm during the cold season spices, meat and chicken broths.

The warming in this list of products was the honey. Its use not only gives the warming effect, but also protects the body from colds. Important – do not add honey to hot liquids, as it deprives the product of all its useful qualities.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what three products were evaluated as the best for strengthening the immune system.