Diet that extends life

Scientists from Sweden, representing the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University, found which type of food is able to prolong people’s lives. They found the so-called “anti-inflammatory” type including products which can reduce inflammation in the body. Even partial adherence to the principles of anti-inflammatory nutrition can have a positive impact on health, the researchers noted.

The publication JournalofInternalMedicine the scientists said that to extend the life of the food you need to introduce foods such as green leafy vegetables, berries, red grapes, broccoli and cauliflower, beans and other legumes, tea and coffee, avocados, coconuts, whole grains, low-fat cheese, olive oil, cold-pressed, nuts and bitter chocolate. Simultaneously, from the diet should exclude red meat and meat products containing TRANS fats, fast food, sweetened beverages, white bread and pasta, chips, crackers, prepared cookies, candy, ice cream, excess of alcohol (experts say that these products increase the inflammation).

The idea of life-prolonging diet emerged after researchers analyzed data on more than 68 thousand men and women gathered for 16 years.

By the beginning of the project to its participants was from 45 to 83 years, and during the study, more than 16 thousand people died.

“We found that participants whose diet to the greatest extent meet the requirements of the anti-inflammatory diet, the risk of premature death for any reason was lower by 18%,” – said the scientists.
Also in people who many anti-inflammatory products was lower (20%) risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a lower (13%) the likelihood of cancer.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what products most effectively improve digestion.