It’s no secret that winter wreaks havoc on your skin—but
Overweight before age 40 increases cancer risk
In an international study, lead by the University of Bergen,
A blood test could predict heart disease and death 40 years in advance
A blood test could predict heart disease and early death
Health checks from age 40 avoid ‘black hole’
Seeing a health professional for a full health screening—even when
Number of older mothers has DOUBLED since 1997
Number of women over 40 having children increases again as
Woman, 40, suffers stroke during YOGA headstand
Woman, 40, suffered a stroke from YOGA after tearing a
How One Woman Embraced Her Gray Hair at 40
In the outside world, the reaction to my gray was
7 reasons to increase the number of days without a drink, if you’re over 40
People older than 40 years are recommended to arrange as
A science study identifies 40 genes related to aggressive behaviour in humans and mice
An international study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry has