In Canada may now smoke every adult public a Joint. In Germany and most other countries of the world the police would call the immediately on the Plan. FOCUS Online explains why the hemp plant is so different, and how much of the substance was harmful to health in fact.
A day after in Canada the first buyer of Cannabis arise as a legal stimulant, could, appeared in Germany, the drug and addiction report in 2018. In it, Cannabis appears as a drug, the possession of which constitutes a criminal offence. For the medical use of Cannabis is legalized in both countries – in Canada since 2001 and more than in Germany, where it has until 2017 in my opinion, the hemp plant, in individual cases, for the therapy allow.
Drug Commissioner disapproves of canadian Cannabis release
Canada is the second country that Cannabis is approved for its citizens, “recreational”, so to relax. Only Uruguay and nine States in the USA to assess marijuana (the dried herb of the hemp plant) and hashish (the pressed resin of the Plant) so carelessly. Germany’s drugs Commissioner, Marlene Gürtler is, therefore, in great company, if you are opposed to the canadian decision to the legalisation of Cannabis as a false Signal, and especially the protection of youth at risk. Also, since 2011, steadily increasing to Cannabis in popularity in Germany disapproves of Germany’s top drug bekämpferin.
The Canadians are easy to ready and trivialize a drug? The Germans are too strict and demonize a substance, which is looking a lot less funds than, for example, alcohol? The arguments, the evidence and the truth lie somewhere in between.
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Canadians Smoking weed three times more than German
The easing of drug policy in Canada, where 14 per cent a lot more people access regularly to the Joint as in Germany, with a paltry four to five per cent, is to dry out, especially the illicit drugs market, and by the way, millions of canadian Dollars in the Tax coffers.
Another goal is that teenagers from the consumer. You belong in Canada, to the most ardent Kifffern. But under the age of 18 years, no one is allowed to purchase legal Cannabis. Who is selling in Canada, marijuana or hashish to minors, must be expected in the future, with up to 14 years in prison.
The biggest concern in Canada is currently, car drivers, stoned behind the wheel. After all, half of all marijuana does not believe Smoking a Joint impairs your ability to drive. Whether the educational information about Cannabis, which has sent the government a 15 million households, to change, remains to be doubtful.
Especially young people should stay away from Cannabis
While Canada’s new drug policy will primarily get the adult casual consumers of the illegality, Germany is located in the the heart, young people of all hazardous substances to stay away, even alcohol and tobacco. Since these two were enough problems already, we would not need another legal drug, said Marlene Gürtler in an Interview with the “Deutschlandfunk”. It also underlines the major effects of Cannabis, especially when at a young age with the consumer.
The Federal chamber of physicians rejects the Cannabis-release in Canada strictly. Also, many canadian doctors criticize the legalization of Cannabis by the Trudeau government in focus. It was a national Experiment, at the expense of the health of Canadians.
Studies show that Cannabis is not a harmless substance
In fact, there are studies that do not identify marijuana and hashish as harmless relaxants. In the German drug and addiction report of the results of a recent overview of work to be quoted, evaluated over 2000 international studies of the last ten years. The Study, “Cannabis. Potential and risks“, confirmed the fears of the long-term effect of the consumption of marijuana and hashish. You are on the other hand, the desired effect of a Joint or hash biscuits such as feeling of happiness, relaxation, cheerfulness and good mood.
Regular and frequent use deteriorates the brain, particularly the memory:
- Attention, learning and problem-solving ability are reduced.
- In the case of long-term users, brain performance, but also the brain structure changes.
- The feature reduction can be made by abstinence undo. It is unclear what influence the age of first use and length of abstinence.
Cannabis is a risk factor for mental disorders:
- Clearly, the influence in the case of psychosis, with Cannabis acts as an amplifier of other risk factors. Even occasional consumption doubles the risk. The psychotic disorder is not less favourable.
- The risk for symptoms of bipolar disorder in regular Cannabis users, three times as high as in Non-users.
- The risk increases through the use of Cannabis for anxiety disorders. It is particularly high when young people before the age of 16. Age of consumption start, over a longer period of time regularly to stay and a psychological dependence on the drug can develop.
Cannabis is addictive:
- Nine percent of users develop a dependence on Cannabis. The number rises to 17 percent when use begins in youth and rises to up to 50 percent for daily consumption.
- Male gender, frequent use, young age at the first Time, and Smoking are further risk factors for addiction.
- Drug experts see Cannabis as a gateway drug that leads to harder drugs.
Cannabis is organic damage:
- The respiratory tract and the lungs suffer when marijuana Joints and hashish-pipes are smoked. However, neither the risk for lung cancer even for tumors in the mouth and throat is on the rise.
- There is a connection between Cannabis use and certain testicular tumours (Non-Seminomas).
- The risk for heart and vascular diseases, there is sufficient data.
- Cannabis consumption during pregnancy can lead to developmental disorders of the fetus.
- There is also evidence that the later cognitive development of the child can be affected.
All of these study results confirm the negative evaluation and the restrictive handling of Cannabis beyond medical use. They concern, first and foremost Intensive stoners and young people consumers. Whether this will change, it could actually show the canadian Experiment with the Cannabis-release.