Tönnies and Corona, these terms are to be associated for a long time closely. Since the days of the the Negative impact does not tear off lines from Gütersloh, Germany: More than 1500 Employees of the local Tönnies meat factory have been infected with the Coronavirus. Since yesterday, the country districts are, therefore, Gütersloh and the adjacent were the village in Lockdown. The aim of the authorities is clear: The Virus should be contained by the limitations and, if possible, not in the General population is spreading.
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The magnitude of the infections in Gütersloh is not new, nevertheless, it is the first Corona outbreak in a slaughterhouse. Already before the cases in the case of Tönnies other companies had to contend with outbreaks. Currently, there is a Wiesenhof-operation in Oldenburg also reports of infection with the Coronavirus. Always there, where many people come together in a confined space, it seems the Virus may well spread. In addition, for slaughterhouses-specific factors favouring spread: the cold in the premises belongs to, but also the physically demanding work, are expelled through the increased virus-Laden aerosols out.
The cases in the case of Tönnies reflected now in the Germany-wide statistics from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI): The R-value – a measure of how many people are infects a of Infected on average increased by about a factor of 2. Also, the number of new infections in the last few days – had stabilised in the past weeks on a low level. Many people wonder: How dangerous local outbreak to happen? You could be a fire accelerators in the pandemic? Or may even lead to a second wave?
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The answers to these questions are difficult to answer at a flat rate. They depend always on the individual case and the outbreak. Generally, The local and encapsulated an outbreak to happen is, “the better,” said Virologist Melanie Brinkmann recently in an interview with the star. “It is, for example, makes a big difference, whether an increase in the number of new infections occurs in a single operation or across a district are distributed. If the traceability of the chain of Infection is not given, it is an indication that the Virus is more widespread.”
Gütersloh is a second Ischgl
Hajo Zeeb from the Leibniz-Institute for prevention research and epidemiology do not want to compare Gütersloh with a second Ischgl: “In contrast, is in Gütersloh to Happen in a large operation,” says Zeeb in an interview with the German press Agency. An increase in the number of infections in the workplace was, therefore, foreseeable. For the health departments of outbreaks of this type offer certain advantages compared to an uncontrolled spread: The action is at the beginning of the outbreak, usually still limited, chains of Infection can be more easily tracked.
For Tönnies, a further factor is likely to play a role: most of The workers, including temporary workers from Bulgaria, keep themselves to themselves and have little contact with the family, or the rest of the population.
Quarantine measures for Tönnies staff, and the Lockdown is intended to prevent, moreover, that the Virus can spread in the population. Whether this will happen is currently unclear. There are already a few indicators, “suggesting that the Virus was already worn in the population,” said Christian Drosten in yesterday’s episode of the NDR-Podcasts. A Problem is that these infections are only detected after a while – in the meantime, more people could become infected with the pathogen. The Virus would spread.
“People have to go for the first time symptoms get these symptoms only once seriously, and then to the doctor, then needs to be tested, then this must be reported,” said Drosten. “Then you know at some point, there are already cases in the population to an extent that is perhaps worrying.”
To prevent this, you need to keep track of the health offices on site now, each individual chain of infection – hard work with this high number of infections. For the first Time since the beginning of the pandemic, the authorities may hope, however, to technical support. For about a week, the Corona-Warning-App of the Covenant is available for Download. Around twelve million Times it was already loaded.
Chains of infection to track the Virus to contain
It is clear that The effort of the Offices is worthwhile. What can succeed, shows the first proven Corona-the outbreak at a Munich-based automotive supplier operating on a Small scale. A Chinese business travellers had passed on the exciter end of January, unknowingly at Meetings. In the result, 16 people with Sars-CoV-2 were infected. At least one employee carried the Virus in his family. His wife and two of his children sick.
The authorities reacted quickly, they isolated the Infected, identified contact persons and sent them to the quarantine. The outbreak came to a Standstill, and also for the persons Concerned, the action ended up off the hook: they were for the most suffering only mild.
Whether this can succeed in the current outbreak in Gütersloh, is questionable and is likely to depend to a large extent on how well the chains of Infection can be tracked to be. It is crucial now to prevent the spread of the Virus on the area, so Charité-scientists Drosten.
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Sources: DPA / NDR “Coronavirus-Update”