Russia fall a new flu threat

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, chief sanitary doctor of Russia Anna Popova told about the coming epidemic, which triggered the mutation of the flu virus.

Anna Popova reported that the health of Russians in this epidemiological season will test the strength of two new strains of influenza. This situation is the norm, as every year the virus mutates, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

“New strains are introduced each season, one, two, rarely, but there are also, three. We have the trivalent vaccine in the country. This year, two new variants of the virus,” noted Popova.
Previously, the CPS has issued advice on how to avoid Contracting the flu. The Agency advised to reduce the time spent in places of a mass congestion of people, use medical mask, wash hands thoroughly, eat more foods with vitamin C, as well as dishes with garlic and onions and lead a healthy lifestyle.

In case of illness, experts say, it is important to stay home to not infect others and consult a doctor. Only a specialist can diagnose that a person is sick with the flu or SARS.

Magicforum previously wrote about how to distinguish the flu from a cold.