Became known, who faces the most severe cold

Scientists have discovered why some people catch colds more than other. It turns out that it is in the natural bacteria located in the nose, and this discovery may lead to the creation of individual methods of treatment.

Living here in the nose microorganisms can determine the type and severity of symptoms of colds, the study showed scientists from the University of Virginia. They argue that having their noses in a greater number of bacteriathat cause infections of the lower respiratory tract, impetigo and food poisoning, people often cough and sneeze when infected with the ordinary cold. Earlier studies have shown that the intestinal bacteria can influence immune response of a person. The authors of this study believe that their discovery will provide new data on ways to fight colds and help you to develop individual methods of treatment of this virus.

In the study, a team of scientists studied the microbiome in the nose 152 of volunteers, both before and after injection of rhinovirus 39 type that causes the common cold. Thus it is possible to ensure that bacteria does not change much after the onset of symptoms. For analysis of the microbiome, the researchers took swabs from the nose and stool analyses, and then assessed as they and cold symptoms in the next 5 days.

The study showed that nasal bacteria are divided into 6 characteristic pictures, and the severity of the symptoms depends on what kind of figure is observed in humans. These drawings were also associated with viral load or the amount of rhinovirus in the body. The study showed that victims of colds, one in the nose had the greatest number of staphylococcal bacteria, showed more severe symptoms compared to those who have these bacteria was less. These bacteria also cause food poisoning, impetigo and toxic shock syndrome. (READ MORE)