The contents
Causes of snoring
Snoring in women
Snoring in men
Getting rid of snoring.
Snoring is not the most pleasant disease. But often people do not pay attention to him, considering that this is only a temporary phenomenon that will pass by itself. Perhaps it will happen, but it is likely that there is. Therefore, it is necessary not to forget about their own health and to find a way to get rid of snoring.
However, before this is done, you need to determine the reasons why you snore is formed. About this and about the methods of treatment will be discussed in our material.
Causes of snoring
Process which accompanies the sleep of the person different sounds and vibrations, called rankopedia. It is known that among men a lot more snorers than among the fair sex. The statistics is that a problem after 30 years face half of all women and two thirds men.
Education snoring is due to the following factors:
- Sedentary and inactive lifestyle. If the person rarely moves and is not involved in sports, his vascular system is not so willing to distill the blood. This leads to sagging of the tissues of the palate and cause snoring;
- Alcohol consumption, Smoking;
- Defects of the nasal septum, which was caused by the inflammation of the tonsils or allergic reaction;
- Deformation of the nasal septum;
- Dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- Overbite;
- Polyps in the nostrils;
- The structural features of the oral cavity;
- Congenital narrow nasal passages;
- Anatomically extended a uvula.
As you can see, there are many reasons why you may be snoring. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor, so he called the one on which he appeared. Self-treatment in any matter may cause more negative consequences.
Snoring in women
Despite the fact that snoring in women, usually quieter than men, this does not mean that it is not so dangerous. Snoring in women evidence of the development of the disease apnea, which can cause abrupt stops breathing during sleep. Possible even a heart attack, if you do not begin to treat the disease.
The muscles of the throat weaken due to various diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and tonsilitis. The woman will probably to get rid of snoring only if it is cleared the swelling of the tonsils and cured of tonsilith, as well as chronic rhinitis. That is why the fairer sex need to visit an otolaryngologist, who will tell you the right path.
So, the deformation of the septum, polyps, launched form tonsilitis or extended nebnom the tongue can not do without surgery. Snoring often occurs in women suffering from obesity, as fat hamper the muscles of the larynx to move freely. In this case you will need diet and sports to lose fat. Be sure to check for a thyroid and pancreas glands.
Snoring in men
Anatomical feature of the structure of the respiratory organs provokes snoring in men. For this reason, it pursues much more males than women. They have a soft palate.
Only this explains the snoring. But the diagnosis and treatment of men in no way different. Therefore, it is necessary to first consult a doctor, who will determine further steps.
Getting rid of snoring.
Of course, to get rid of snoring by using folk methods. So here are a few effective techniques.
Sea buckthorn oil
This tool can be used in different variations. So, to get rid of snoring most effective to rinse the mouth and throat before bedtime buckthorn oil.
It can also be taken in the morning during the meal – drink one teaspoon. Instillation into the nose twice a day can also help. Such a course should last for 21 days, then you need to take a break.
Fresh juices of carrots and onions
Mix fresh onion juice and carrots in equal proportions. After that soak cotton swab in this mix and insert into each nostril for five to ten minutes.
Cabbage leaf
This recipe is very simple and effective. Mix in a blender the crushed cabbage leaf with honey. Then this slurry ingest the product. The course should last for months.
Breathing exercises
Since snoring occurs usually due to problems with breathing, should be used very effective exercises, which will help to eliminate some of the problems.
1. Expose your tongue forward and down with all his strength, strain it and keep in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 30 times morning and evening.
2. Hold her chin with her hand and gently move the jaw forward and backward. Also repeat 30 times twice a day.
3. Put it in your mouth stick made of plastic or wood, firmly press the e teeth and keep it under three minutes. Remember: no pain should occur in this case.
Capa is installed in the mouth and contributes to the continuous penetration of air into the lungs. She spreads her jaw up and down, keeping the lower jaw in a slightly extended state. The muscles of the tongue is slightly tense, soft palate stronger. Accordingly, problems with snoring to be when using it not be.
However, you will need to get used to the device in the oral cavity. Not all of it succeeds.
The clip is much cheaper mouth guard will also fit almost everyone. It helps to dilate the respiratory channels through the opening of the nasal passages using a highly efficient stimulation of sensory nerve endings in the nose. It should be noted that accolades about clips for deliverance not so much, but choose anyway you only.
Now at your disposal is an Arsenal of tools that can relieve you from snoring.