Can cows cause the next epidemic? Scientists believe that of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, including MRSA, can jump from cattle to people.
The next largest epidemic humanity can “donate” cow. These animals are a reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including the infamous Staphylococcus aureus, which is particularly hard to treat. These bacteria represent a great danger to human health, and cows can transmit pathogens to people, the researchers from Finland. They first showed the connection between antibiotic resistance in cows as early distributors of these bacteria considered pigs. It was believed that people can become infected with pathogens after consumption of pork.
Magicforum recalls that, according to the world health organization, of antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose to humanity a bigger threat than terrorism. The crisis of antibiotic resistance can affect every man regardless of his age or country of residence. Researchers from the University of Helsinki analyzed the evolution of staphylococcal bacteria for hundreds of generations. Genes of bacteria have been detected in humans and animals to identify changes in DNA that have enabled the pathogens to infect new carriers for thousands of years. These changes in DNA can cause the development of antibiotic resistance.
Based on genetic analysis, scientists learned that people were the original carriers of staphylococci, which for a certain period of development of antibiotic-resistant. However, these bacteria then spread to livestock, which happened approximately 10 500 years ago. In the organism of cows S. aureus has developed antibiotic resistance, and then again came to the human body. (READ MORE)