6 diseases of the eye, which provokes the sun

The sun is a serious threat to our eyes. Therefore, they should be protected from UV rays. In this article we will talk about diseases that may await you if you fail to comply with recommendations for maintaining the health of vision.

Dry eye syndrome

Among the symptoms that are extremely unpleasant — the burning and pain in the eyes, the feeling that there is a foreign body, eye irritation, tearing, difficulty wearing contact lenses. It gradually provokes a deterioration of vision.

There are plenty of reasons why is formed a symptom of dry eyes. One of the most common is the slow formation of the tears of the lacrimal glands. Usually, this happens with age, in women during menopause. But there are cases when dry eye syndrome occurs due to environmental influences, particularly sunlight.

As a rule, the symptoms become more tangible with each passing hour and increase as the end of the day. The reason for this syndrome is that the lacrimal fluid ceases to accumulate and provoke pain. If no measures are taken, it can cause serious complications.

For getting rid of disease we need to eliminate the reason for the drying, avoid high temperature, influence of wind and sun, need to wear sunglasses on the street. Also use eye drops that can be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist.

Snow blindness

This disease has the scientific name “ophthalmia”. Snow-blindness occurs as a result of burns of the conjunctiva and cornea with ultraviolet rays of the sun reflected from the snow crystals. Quite often this occurs in the spring when the snow starts to melt, and reflected the ability of the snow cover increases. Long time exposure to ultraviolet rays on the retina of the eye causes snow-blindness. Symptoms: sharp pain in the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia. It could turn into short-term full loss of vision.

To avoid this disease, you should wear sunglasses that absorb 5-10% of light and absorb ultraviolet light. The glasses should be large lenses, so they can protect against any accidental contact with light.


Long-term effects of ultraviolet radiation provokes pterygium. Evident from the growth cone (triangle) opaque transparent conjunctiva on the cornea. Vision gradually deteriorates, and when the conjunctiva completely covers the pupil, it is blind. Scientists say that susceptibility to disease depends on the place of residence of the person, as well as from his professional activities. While men are at risk to face a much stronger primary pterygium.

Among the reasons for the formation of pterygium — being outdoors more than five hours a day. This also lead to constant dryness of the eyes and chronic conjunctivitis. Very often the disease has no symptoms. But in General, patients complain of cosmetic defect, dry eye, decreased visual acuity. Treatment can be only surgical.


When cataract occurs, the clouding of the lens, it is a pathological condition. When the disease appears before the eyes like floaters, double vision or staining items in yellow. When fully clouding develops blindness, but may experience varying degree of disturbances. According to statistics, in 2010 the number of people who have partially lost his eyesight, amounted to 35.1 million, and fully blinded — 20.8 million.

The most common symptoms are decrease in visual acuity. The development of cataracts on the periphery of the lens, the patient may not be changes in vision. Such as find mostly accidentally on routine examination by an ophthalmologist. Also among the symptoms may include: change in color of the pupil (it becomes whitish, yellowish or grayish), blurred vision, intolerance to bright light and decrease in vision at night, glare, halos, stains and strokes, as well as eye fatigue. The most terrible is that to prevent this disease is impossible. However, to delay its attack is still possible. It is necessary to protect the eyes from sunlight, do not smoke or drink alcohol, stick to a balanced diet.


When keratitis occurs pain syndrome, which can be of different severity — moderate to severe pain. Also the patient notice a redness of the sclera, the violation of the gloss of the surface of the cornea, corneal syndrome (photophobia), blepharospasm (spastic closure of the eyelids), and lacrimation. In addition, observed corneal opacities, and sometimes decrease in sensitivity. Most keratitis often contribute to the presence of a foreign body in the cornea or conjunctiva, dry eye syndrome, exposure to a strong light source, including sunlight, viruses, bacteria and fungus, and improper wearing of contact lenses.


Severe burns can provoke not only aseptic inflammation not only of the conjunctiva covering the inside of the upper and lower eyelids but also the cornea. In this case we are talking about keratoconjunctivitis. In this disease there are small blisters and sores accompanied by pain and deterioration of General condition.

To protect yourself from these terrible diseases, it is necessary to apply some measures. In the first place in the sun need high-quality glasses. So do not forget about them not only in summer but even in winter, when the sun is no less dangerous for eye health.

In addition, you can preserve your vision, sticking to the simple rules. You must quit bad habits (such as Smoking and abuse of alcoholic drinks), is often to walk, but always wearing sunglasses, to adhere to proper nutrition, including diet blueberries, greens, more berries, fruit and vegetables. Also, don’t forget to lead an active lifestyle. Read more on preventive measures that will help to preserve vision until old age, read the material on our website.