Vitamin D helps from the mass cancer

Journal BreastCancerResearchandTreatment published data obtained by scientists from Ireland and showing the benefit of vitamin D in preventing breast cancer. The experts agree that this nutrient can effectively help not only as prevention but also as a component of treatment of existing disease.

Vitamin D 20% reduces the risk of breast cancer, scientists said. In favor of this conclusion are the results of a survey about feeding habits 5500 women aged 50 to 80 years who were diagnosed with breast cancer. The authors of the draft recommend to use products such as cod liver oil, fish oil, herring, salmon, melted butter, eggs, cheese “cheddar” – these foods are rich sources of vitamin valuable.

Before the Norwegian experts from the University of Bergen have been able to establish that the consumption of vitamin D can significantly reduce the risk of premature withdrawal from life for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Scientific studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can cause dysfunction of the Central nervous system, leading to depression and nervousness, and promotes fertility and body weight, diabetes and frequent infections.

Doctors remind that vitamin D may be beneficial for health only under the condition that the human body receives a sufficient amount of magnesium.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what juice effectively helps protect against the development of hypertension.