The contents
How to use sea buckthorn oil in the past?
The composition of sea buckthorn oil
Use sea buckthorn oil for the body
Application of sea buckthorn oil for health
Use for skin sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn refers to fruit ornamental plants. Before the bushes used as hedge, protecting riverbanks from erosion. Gradually, people learned about the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn berries and began to use in folk medicine. Magicforum decided to recall the history of the use of sea buckthorn oil and to determine its health benefits.
How to use sea buckthorn oil in the past?
The first mention of the miracle berry appeared in the 11th century BC. From fruits of sea buckthorn was doing medicinal elixirs, tinctures and oils. The young branches of the tree was treating injured soldiers and their horses. Today sea buckthorn in different forms used in official medicine. Oil plants include recipes ointments for burns and the composition of medicinal products. From sea buckthorn oil made candles from hemorrhoids and cervical erosion. Raw sea buckthorn has, to some extent, natural antibacterial activity. So, if you are using oil on the skin its active components stimulate the regeneration processes and kill bacteria.
Dried sea buckthorn berries are also useful as fresh. They are used in the manufacture of immune tablets for astronauts – the drug has a positive effect on the body as a whole.
Sea buckthorn is actively used not only in medicine but also in cooking and cosmetics. As a dietary Supplement, is used to give dishes flavor and as a storehouse of essential body elements.
The composition of sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil is prepared from berries of the plant. The finished product is a liquid, orange-red color with a slightly pronounced smell and specific taste. Use internally and externally. The oil contains almost all essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for the normal functioning of the human body. Better if the butter is made at home, because in this case it definitely will not be hazardous preservatives that may be in store oil produced industrially. Inthe composition of sea buckthorn oil contains:
•vitamins of group B, C, E, A, K;
•folic acid;
•vitamin P;
•ascorbic acid;
•fatty acids;
•silicon and other elements.
Use sea buckthorn oil for the body
Useful properties of oil from sea-buckthorn fruits are endless. It’s used to treat various ailments.
Regular use improves immunity. Thanks to viral colds occur faster and easier. The risks of recurrence significantly reduced.
Sea buckthorn oil is useful for the stomach and intestines. Helps relieve ulcers, constipation, reduces stomach acidity, treat hemorrhoids, improve metabolism in the body. Oil doctors prescribe as a stimulating component for a speedy recovery.
Application of sea buckthorn oil for health
Sea buckthorn oil can be used in a variety of cases, when there are problems with health. Patients with atherosclerosis are especially useful to apply this product. With regular use decreases the level of lipids in the blood, normalizes cholesterol.
Scientists have proved that regular consumption of sea buckthorn oil is beneficial in the major muscles of the human heart. Due to the elements silicon, rutin, potassium and iron significantly decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Vitamins A and C, make elastic walls of blood vessels, strengthens them and eliminates toxins. Prevents the development of blood clots and thrombosis of the venous system.
Gynecologists use it as a supplementary treatment for all forms of cervical erosion and are used in various lesions of the female reproductive system.
Due to the content of vitamins improves the function of eyes. Reduces the risk of inflammation of the cornea and mucous membrane. Improves blood circulation, lowers eye pressure, prevents the clouding of the lens.
When disease of the respiratory system product is used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory. Perfectly removes toothache, and is used by dentists to heal postoperative wounds.
Use for skin sea buckthorn oil
The oilhelps the skin to retain moisture, retains freshness and youthfulness, helps to get rid of acne on the face, actively nourishes the skin thanks to the contained acids and vitamin E.
Sea buckthorn oil well heals burns, postoperative and other wounds. After the application has no scar.
Sea buckthorn oil is a medicine. Despite the useful properties, it has contraindications. Sometimes causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using, you need to test for portability. To do this, apply a few drops on the inner side of elbow and wait a few minutes. If the skin appeared red spots and itching, is to abandon the use. It is strictly prohibited to use inside people with acute inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, patients with hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis any shape and suffering from diarrhea.
Prepare the oil by yourself
The product is freely sold in pharmacies. But it’s easy to make at home. Required for the manufacture of:
•ripe berries of sea buckthorn;
•olive oil;
•the pomace (the remains of berries after squeezing).
Berries rinse well and dry on a towel. Then squeeze the juice from them. Cake to collect and put to dry in a dark place. The main thing is not to be traced, if it starts to mold. Dry the cake to chop, put in a jar, then pour in a container of warm olive oil. Oil temperature should be 45 degrees. The oil should cover the cake 3 cm. Next, wrap the jar with foil or a dark cloth and put in a dark place. The air temperature should be between 20-25 degrees. To insist oil a week, periodically stirring. The finished oil is filtered through a thick layer of gauze, pour into glass containers and refrigerate.
Before independent use of the product, get expert advice.
Previously, scientists named the most useful types of jams.