The tendency to depression depends on the stomach

Scientists said that the cause of depression can be a passion for junk food, particularly fast food, this writes the journal Molecular Psychiatry. Depression today affects more than 300 million people, and, despite advances in medicine, cure is obtained in only one case out of three, with 50% probability the disease returns.

Researchers performed analysis of 41 studies, the authors studied the connection between food and emotional state, showed that when people are under stress, eat fast food, it contributes to the development of depression. Conversely, the correct person eats, the less he is at risk of suffering from depression.

In particular, the most risky in this respect, according to scientists is the regular consumption of foods high in fat and sugar. People whose diet closest to the Mediterranean diet, the likelihood of depression, on the contrary, is minimal.

A Mediterranean diet involves eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds. Also in honor dairy products, and fish, meat and red wine consumed moderately. A distinctive feature of the Mediterranean diet is that the main source of fats for the body there is olive oil, accounting for 25-35% of all calories consumed.

Previously it was shown that the traditional cuisine of people living around the Mediterranean sea, 33% reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and 24% – cancerous.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have found an unusual cause of cognitive problems in old age.