Named products that contribute to the incidence of cancer

French scientists conducted an experiment, which lasted from 2009 to 2016, which affected 70 thousand people aged on average 44 years. During the experiment the cancer was diagnosed in 1340. Proper nutrition is 25% reduced cancer risk, the researchers noted.

Scientists have found that eating foods that contain pesticides, increases the risk of developing cancer by 35%, reported in the Jama Network portal. According to scientists, the pesticides act on the body as toxins, they increase the risk of malignant tumors. Even with a thorough wash on fruits and vegetables to pesticides that have a negative impact on health. These chemicals are suspected of ability to provoke the development of processes related to cancer, obesity, infertility, and various problems in child development and many other ailments.

At the same time healthy food in the form of natural organic products a very positive effect on General health – professionals are also able to make sure.

“Nutrition risk of skin cancer or breast cancer fell by a third,” – said the authors, describing the results of the experiment.
Earlier Magicforum called fruits and vegetables containing particularly large quantities of pesticides.