Hamsters will help you understand why people make sport

You exercise but still gain weight? Scientists say that the hamsters will help to explain why physical activity makes us eat more.

Scientists have long been concerned about this amazing paradox in which so many people sitting on a diet, start hard to recover after physical exertion. To obtain the answer to this riddle can help hamsters. Experiments involving these animals showed that brain cells change shape and size in the area that controls appetite immediately after exercise. This is what causes animals to eat more food in order to compensate for the amount of burnt calories.

But the increased appetite and leads to overeating, which ends with an increase in weight. Hamsters change their behavior depending on the time of year, as scientists have found. Siberian hamsters do not hibernate, even half lose weight in the winter because they do not require much food to survive. The brain scan showed that cells in the region of the hypothalamus resize the form depending on the time of year. The hypothalamus regulates appetite, not only in animals but also in humans.

In winter, when the days are shorter, the cells are compressed, and it affects the hormones produced in the brain that affects appetite rodents and steadily leads to weight gain. A selection of these hormones depend on the level of physical activity. Problem in implementing the popular advice of “eat less, move more” is that after these movements of people are feeling powerful hunger, because they are biologically programmed to eat food after exercise. (READ MORE)