Excess weight makes people more stupid

Scientists argue that the greater the weight, the more negative it affects brain activity. The arguments of the experts on this issue are presented in the Science News.

A group of American researchers carried out an experiment on laboratory mice which showed that in the presence of overweight and obesity Central nervous system functions more slowly.

In particular, rodents on the test divided into groups and fed in different ways: one given high-calorie food and the other food does not exceed the calories healthy diet threshold. As a result, within three months the weight of the mice of the first group were heavier and rodents in the second group an average of 40%.

In this case, scientists said, fat individuals decreased mental abilities, the mice became worse to take a test to find a way out of the maze and slowly respond to external factors. More slender presunably was not only faster, but also smarter than their counterparts with overweight.

“In mice with obesity, we found a greater number of microglia – cells that protect the brain from damage. That in itself is not dangerous, but their increase may inhibit signals in the brain,” shared the study’s authors.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about how the drink is especially effective promotes fat loss.