Drink, children, milk: 7 reasons not to give this healthy drink

Perhaps, yet none the product does not cause much controversy. What preferably milk: whole or skim? Pasteurized or straight “from the cow”? Does it need to boil? Shelf life is better big or small? And the most important question, which for decades haunted everyone who cares about their food: is it worth it at all to drink? Not harmful? I hasten to reassure cow’s milk to be in our menu. Most of the scientists on the side of this product, and here’s why.

1. High nutritional value

Cow’s milk is extremely rich in vitamins A, E, K, C, D, b, PP, minerals and amino acids. Milk fats are the most full of animals, milk sugar AIDS digestion. Salt, calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bones. Especially milk is good for children – it helps them to grow and develop.

2. The benefits for the heart

Daily consumption of milk strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 37% – to such conclusion scientists from the UK, analyzing the results of more than 324 studies. This is due to the high content of potassium, essential for maintaining vascular elasticity. Milk also helps to lower blood pressure, because it is necessary for people suffering from hypertension.

3. Good for the brain and nervous system

Milk has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia. No wonder a glass of warm milk with honey is the most popular folk remedy for insomnia.

4. Strengthens bones

Drink a lot of calcium ions, however, there is little vitamin D, which helps its absorption. In order to solve this problem, some manufacturers specifically produce milk fortified with vitamin D.

5. Improves immunity and protects against infections

Milk stimulates the production of immunoglobulins, so it is recommended to drink at frequent colds and viral diseases. As in the fresh milk still contains natural antimicrobial substances – Latynina.

6. Helps with diseases of the stomach

Substances contained in cow’s milk, participate in the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and this product has a shielding effect. Milk relieves heartburn because it is composed of metals, easily coming into contact with hydrochloric acid and is able to quickly extinguish it.

7. Helps to build muscle

The product is rich in casein protein, which is digested faster and easier other animal proteins. A glass of milk after a workout will replenish nutrients required for muscle building and will give a feeling of satiety.