Educated food choices can impact not only on physical but also on mental health. Scientists have named several products that are very useful for our psyche.
Let’s start with the most common apples are the most popular fruit in Russia. In our stores you can buy apples any time of year, but they are the most valuable in the autumn when we can feast on the freshest apples. In recent years, scientists have found that apples have a protective neurological effects. They have a high phytochemical profile, perfectly preventing damage to DNA, regulating hormones and reducing oxidative damage. This is all very positive effect on maintaining a stable psyche.
In the second place pumpkin, which is an increasingly growing demand in Russia. Pumpkin contains minerals that have a positive effect on brain functioning. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin – the perfect ingredients to enhance memory in young and older people. Pumpkin seeds boost mood, as studies have shown. They contain the amino acid tryptophan, contributing to the development of the brain chemical serotonin, which the world seems a more cheerful place.
In third place in our ranking of turmeric. It has a healing effect and is considered an excellent spice in a variety of disorders, including combating symptoms of depression. In addition, by itself, turmeric is very pleasant to the taste.
Well and closes our small list of cinnamon – another great and useful spice. Cinnamon is known for its ability to stimulate the brain and regulate blood sugar levels, which also affects the stable mood. Cinnamon will give a special taste to tea, bread, and baked fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and many other of our favorite dishes. (READ MORE)