Scientists told about which foods should be consumed in osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. When the disease osteoarthritis intra-articular cartilage is destroyed, which leads to painful changes in other parts of the joint, as well as in the surrounding joint muscles and ligaments.
Scientific experts have made a list of foods that should be consumed to prevent the development of arthritis, as well as in cases when there are already initial signs of the disease. In particular, according to the researchers, those people who have chronic problems with joints, you should ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of antioxidants because these substances are especially effective help it to be resistant to the action of inflammatory processes. To foods rich in antioxidants, otnosyaschiesya beans, walnuts, prunes, olive oil, coffee and cocoa and others.
In addition, the experts recommend when joint problems to eat foods with prebiotics, such as garlic, onions, asparagus. Also for people who are prone to arthritis, important products with beneficial bacteria, which include yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, sauerkraut.
For lunch, the physicians are advised to eat porridge, and specifically oatmeal. Still need to eat oily fish containing large amounts of omega-3, these substances from the category of fatty acids help to reduce joint pain.
Osteoarthritis is the second most common factor of disability after cardiovascular diseases. Today it is the most common disease of the locomotor apparatus, according to statistics, in Russia they suffer 10-12% of the population.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about what products are best for stroke prevention.