All about cirrhosis, or what is important to know about liver health

According to the world health organization, globally, around 30% of adults suffer from liver disease. This is mainly hepatitis b and C, as well as their consequences, which include cirrhosis. What is important to know about the liver and factors affecting it in order to avoid this deadly disease?

What is cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is a chronic disease that is associated with the degeneration of liver tissue. Gradually, under the influence of various factors, healthy body tissue replaces fibrous (connective), which can no longer perform the required function. And since the liver is the major detoxification organ, is rapidly deteriorating and the General condition of the body. The degeneration of liver tissue is irreversible, so the diagnosis of “cirrhosis” need treatment that will help to preserve organ function.

Why is cirrhosis?

It is believed that the main cause of cirrhosis is alcohol consumption. It’s true: the disease develops in 10-15 years from the onset of regular alcohol consumption at a dose of 60 grams per day for men and 20 grams a day for women (in terms of alcohol).

But that’s not the only reason. Cirrhosis is often a consequence of hepatitis, toxic effects on the liver, disorders of metabolism, disruption of the bile ducts, etc.

How to understand what is cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is dangerous because for a long time, it can does not manifest itself. Patients feel General weakness, fatigue, sipping pain in the region of the liver, say weight loss, but do not regard this as a serious threat.

When the liver is seriously disturbed, the symptoms become more apparent: nausea, vomiting, problems with digestion, bloating, ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), jaundice. Typically, cirrhosis is diagnosed based on blood analysis, when you find out her liver enzymes. However, the developed ultrasonic method of diagnostics, which helps to detect cirrhosis at early stage with an accuracy of 85-90%.

Is there any treatment?

Affected by cirrhosis of the liver tissue can no longer be restored. The main goal of treatment is to preserve the “working” cells. For this, the patient should observe a special diet (Diet number 5 with limited fat) and to take hepatoprotectors – drugs, preserving and protecting liver cells. Also, the doctor will prescribe special drugs to normalize digestion, which is when the cirrhosis is also suffering.

Scientists from Stanford give hope

Medical school at Stanford University not long ago developed a technique of restoration of the liver. Thanks to her, it was possible to make drugs to combat cirrhosis and aging of liver cells. As established at Stanford, the regeneration of the liver promotes a moderate increase in the activity of the telomerase enzyme in hepatocytes. It allows to restore the liver tissue.

Prevention of cirrhosis

Most often, cirrhosis is a consequence of hepatitis. Therefore, the main measure of prevention are measures to prevent this insidious virus:

  • Do yourself and family members vaccinated against hepatitis B.
  • Observe good personal hygiene.
  • Hepatitis C can be transmitted when you visit, for example, dental clinic or beauty salon if the instruments are poorly sanitized. Therefore, select salons and clinics operating with all necessary licenses.
  • Avoid casual unprotected sex.

Also to prevent cirrhosis should limit alcohol consumption, avoid toxic effects on the body, a diet low in fat.

Good news – drink coffee! He will protect against cirrhosis

Consumption per day two cups of coffee can save you from diseases of the liver with excessive alcohol consumption. And even if you do not abuse alcohol, regular coffee consumption by 44% reduces the risk of cirrhosis of the liver. About that survey of the University of Southampton (UK).

They tracked approximately 500 000 people from six countries and concluded that coffee reduces the frequency of episodes of abnormal liver function. In particular, slows the fibrosis, which is the main manifestation of cirrhosis.