6 products available to improve digestion

Bacterial microbial balance of the gastrointestinal tract has a huge on human health, scientists say. There are a number of products that improve the condition of the microbiome which is advantageous for not only digestion, but also samochuvstvie a whole.

In particular, experts recommend to consume radishes. This fruit contains polysaccharides arabinogalactan substance
due to which normal bacterial environment of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, an excellent means to keep under control potentially dangerous bacteria is Cessnock.

Experts also suggest to consume regular carrots. Carrot contributes to the activation of carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes digestion in General, promotes timely bowel movement and excretion of toxins, salts of heavy metals.

Others recommended to improve digestion product is leeks. According to scientists, this vegetable has a high content of fiber, flavonoids, manganese and vitamin A, promotes activation of bowel function and rapid recovery of tissues damage.

For improvement of digestion system in the body is very useful to use asparagus. In this culture a lot of inulin – organic polysaccharide that research has proven its ability to positively influence intestinal microflora. In addition, experts have identified the turmeric contained in the well-known spices are anti-inflammatory ingredient soothes the reflux, prevents ulcers and gastritis, in General, has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that the experts identified the best and worst brands of ground beef in Russian stores.