Vitamin extremes: hypovitaminosis

We know that vitamins our body needs. But, at the same time, quite careless about their reception.

For starters, remember that all vitamins are classified as follows

  • Water soluble B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B12, Vs, C, P, N
  • Fat-soluble (lipitoradverse) A, D2, D3, E, K, K1, K2
  • Vitamin-like compounds Choline, Monosit, vitamin U, B15

Each group of vitamins performs in our body and its functions.

Vitamins A well known vitamin of growth. Provitamin a carotene in large quantities found in carrots, spinach. The vitamins of this group are present also in dairy products, eggs and animal fat. But perhaps the most powerful source of the most important representatives of this group (retinol A1, A1 retinal-aldehyde, retinoic acid A2, etc.) fish oil.

B vitamins are responsible for growth processes (B1, B2), the normal development of the skin (B6), hematopoietic capacity (B12), and also involved in energy production.

Vitamin C ascorbic acid a multi.

The vitamin D prevents the development of rickets.

Vitamins E regulates the process of reproduction.

Vitamins K are responsible for normal blood clotting.

Vitamins from food

Unfortunately, even if your daily diet is balanced correctly, it does not mean that you are getting enough vitamins.

For example, to provide the daily requirement of vitamin B1, you should eat 800 grams of bread from wheat flour or 1 kg of lean meat. Obviously, that’s impossible (don’t forget that we need other vitamins). Scientists estimate that even the most balanced diet, suffers from deficiency of vitamins by 20-30%.

Thus, to ensure the supply of vitamins in the body only with food cannot. Besides, you need to take into account the fact that the necessary variety in our diet, unfortunately, is not observed. For this reason, I advise: get a useful habit daily to drink plenty of greenery, several times a week eat seafood every day and be sure to eat vegetables and fruits (not canned, of course).

Important vitamins in the autumn

So, if food vitamin reserves are not replenished, it is necessary to take synthetic vitamins. It is important to notice that they are completely identical to those present in natural products and in chemical structure and biological activity. In addition, the technology of vitamins ensures the cleanliness and safety of vitamin a preparation (vitamin C, for example, the drugs saved no better example than in vegetables and fruits).

Vitamin complexes

Speaking about the reception of different forms of vitamin preparations, I must say that they can be divided into two groups.

  1. Multivitamin complexes are taking to prevent a course from 2 to 6 weeks (at this time, it is important to observe the drinking mode!). The content of vitamins in these preparations are well balanced, allowing you to avoid overdose. In addition, such complexes often contain minerals that are not only useful, but also promote good absorption of the vitamins;
  2. Monovalencyprescribed by the doctor for medical reasons. This is especially important to understand when talking about fat soluble vitamins. They are able to accumulate in the body, becoming toxic. Their uncontrolled drinking may seriously harm your health!

Summary.Balanced balanced diet can and should include the intake of vitamin preparations. Do not forget to consult with your doctor. The doctor will help you choose the best for you complex. It is only at first glance, all multivitamins are similar, in fact, to calculate the daily requirements for vitamins, it is important to consider all the factors: age; Paul; health; occupation; working conditions; the factors of external influence; physical activity and so on.

Self-medication is dangerous, even if we are talking about vitamins. Remember that long (especially in excess doses) the use of vitamin preparations can do more harm than good!


Considering all the above arguments, it is obvious that lack of vitamins in the body leads to a variety of violations in its work, seriously impairing our quality of life. This condition has the name vitamin deficiencies.

It would be correct to say that the IMR is an imbalance between expenditure and intake of vitamins in the body.

The insidiousness of IMR is that it is slow, not aggressive. So often, we treat its effects already. In addition, this condition can be due to other reasons (besides low income vitamins in the organism):

  • diseases of the digestive system (reduced level of assimilation of the vitamins);
  • incompatibility with other chemical elements;
  • violation of transport and enzyme systems (the hereditary factor, as a rule);
  • the presence of intestinal parasites;
  • pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • hereditary (or acquired) a violation of the metabolism of vitamins;
  • incompatibility with drugs;
  • increased need for vitamins (pregnancy, feeding; intensive growth of the child; high physical and psychological load).

So, unfortunately, eating the right amount of vitamins is not always sufficient insurance against deficiencies. So, you should immediately contact your doctor, determine the cause and to start treatmentwhen you see these symptoms:

  • fatigue
  • General weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • irritability
  • sleep disturbance

Vitamins really are vital to us, health without them is unthinkable. And without a healthy unbelievable beauty, youth, vigor, success, happiness, eventually! Incidentally, we are very lucky to live in a time when being healthy has become fashionable.

ATOR: Tatiana Stasenko