Exercise is one of the best ways to feel better, if you are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2. Sport causes cells to produce more insulin and helps to level out the blood sugar. But the patient requires to be extremely attentive to their feelings, not to hurt yourself.
But if you take insulin or certain medications prescribed for diabetes, during exercise, sugar levels can seriously fall off, and this is called hypoglycemia. Take on Board the recommendations published below to learn how to regulate the blood sugar levels and be physically active person.
Check sugar in diabetes
First of all, you should monitor how things are with sugar level in blood at the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2, prior to exercise. Normal levels of blood glucose: 5.55 a-14 mmol/L.
- If the sugar level is below 5.55 mmol/l: you need to eat.
- If you are planning to train more than two hours: avoid eating before exercise if blood glucose greater than 6 mmol\\l
- If the blood sugar is above 14 mmol/l, test urine for ketones.
What is a ketone? It is a source of energy, they are formed from fat deposits and proteins that is produced when the body burns fat instead of sugar to stay energetic. You cannot exercise if you have ketones in the urine. The blood sugar may rise even higher and cause ketoacidosis. This disease can lead to coma or death. Ketoacidosis is an acute complication of diabetes apothekegenerika.de.
Symptoms of ketoacidosis in diabetes developing in less than 1 day. First, there are growing signs of high blood sugar due to lack of insulin:
- pelenyagre diabetes;
- frequent urination;
- dry skin and mucous membranes;
- unexplained weight loss;
- weakness;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- the smell of acetone breath;
- the unusual rhythm of breathing (loud and deep);
- headache;
- irritability;
- lethargy;
- lethargy;
- sleepy;
- precoma;
- ketoatsidoticheskaya coma;
- abdominal pain;
- abdominal wall tense and painful upon palpation;
- intestinal peristalsis is reduced.
Precoma stage of development of coma in the form of stupefaction, stupor, characterized by the preservation of reflex reactions and the possibility to withdraw the patient from this condition with painful, strong sound or light irritation.
Ketoatsidoticheskaya diabetic coma is an acute complication of the disease caused by absolute or pronounced relative insulin deficiency due to inadequate insulin therapy or increasing it needs.
In the course of the workout. If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, and you plan to play sports no more than two hours, you don’t need to measure blood sugar levels for classes. But if you want to continue doing the exercises, then check the sugar level every hour.
Yes, it all takes time But if you continue to train, forgetting about diabetes mellitus type 2 and ignore the symptoms, the sugar level will continue to sink lower and lower, and it will be dangerous to your health.
After class. Check your blood sugar when you complete your exercise, because it is important in diabetes type 2 diabetes. Then you will understand how you affect these classes, and how you feel. You will immediately then you will understand whether it is necessary right now to eat (if the sugar level is below 5.5 mmol / l), or it is possible to move the meal to a later time.
In diabetes and hypoglycemia the blood sugar level can fall in one day after a normal workout or intense class, so keep regularly reminisce about the meter.
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Put in your first aid kit glucose
The patient with a diagnosis of diabetes should always keep at arm’s length, the product or beverage, which contains a lot of glucose, and fast, for example:
- glucose tablets;
- glucose in gel form;
- classic soda (not diet);
- juice;
- sports drinks;
- 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Read the information on the labels to see how much you need to eat or drink, to get 15 grams of carbohydrates.
Associated symptoms:
Obesity Weight loss (weight loss) HeadacheDizzinessFatigueWeakness Thirst (polydipsia) Dry mouth
Be careful with sports
The proposed Vashem a list of precautions how to exercise in diabetes:
- can not exercise when insulin level increases;
- finish the activity 2 hours before bedtime;
- avoid alcohol before exercise or immediately after class;
- refrain from hot baths, saunas and steam rooms immediately after exercise;
- to exercise one to two times a day.
Observe the sensations
Not always the patient may notice symptoms of the condition when the blood sugar falls sharply, especially in diabetes type 2 diabetes. In addition, the signs of low blood sugar levels can be difficult to see when the patient performs exercises. Symptoms of low blood sugar resemble the consequences of training:
- observed excessive sweating;
- appears rapid heartbeat;
- added fatigue;
- feel the sensation of hunger.
If you notice changes in health during training and the diagnosis of your diabetes type 2 diabetes, check your blood sugar levels. Symptoms of low sugar level can be the following:
- confusion;
- the vague objects;
- blurred vision;
- tingling around lips or tongue;
- numbness of lips or tongue;
- the movement disorder.
The diabetics lower blood sugar levels during exercise is different in feel from how blood sugar drops, e.g. at night, or if there is insufficient insulin. When in doubt, better check the blood sugar levels in a standard way.
Associated diseases:
ObesityHyperglycemiaHypoglycemia Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetes
If sugar falls due to the load
Patients with diabetes should be careful and watch out for their well-being during the training process. If he sees that the sugar level drops in the blood, then you should take the following steps:
- talk to a doctor;
- to level out the insulin;
- to review the medication;
- to reduce the weight;
- to take in more food before training;
- to change the duration of classes;
- to change the type of physical activity.
As reduced and elevated levels of glucosyl blood when charziskaya,are not the norm. In both cases, the supervision of a doctor. It is important to eat regularly and be attentive to yourself during physical exertion.
Source: Web MD
See also:
- Physical activity in diabetes
- Nutritional diabetes: recipes
- 10 common myths about diabetes, which debunks the doctor