Orange juice can be medicinal for the flu and colds

Dr. Chris Steele, the speaker in the morning program This Morning on the British channel ITV, has recommended the flu daily use of the juice of citrus. He said, orange juice helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the outbreak of the disease.

“Orange juice effectively relieves inflammation of the throat and headache,” said the doctor.
Chris Steele said that as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory orange juice may be more effective than drugs. This juice contains a large concentration of vitamin C that can boost immunity and reduce the duration of colds or flu.

Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, protects cells from aggressive environmental influences, has an antioxidant effect. B vitamins, which are present in citrus fruits, normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the heart muscle. In addition, tangerines, grapefruit and oranges contain high levels of volatile substances that suppress reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

In acute irritation of the throat, the citrus juice should be bred in warm water. In General, researchers recommend that in the season of colds and other viral infections is to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that eating lentils protects from dangerous disturbances in the heart.