Muscovites offer a unique technology for remote rehabilitation

FGAU Treatment and rehabilitation centre of the Ministry of health (LRC) invites Moscow residents to go to a treatment program, free remote rehabilitation. In the framework of the joint project of the Center and the capital of the Department of human services vocational rehabilitation helps to restore and maintain the physical form to patients suffering from serious illnesses or injuries. With patients remotely involved exercise physiologist, psychologist, speech therapist if needed.

Often people who received disability, falls outside the usual circle of friends, losing social and domestic skills. At the same time, today many people with disabilities who need rehabilitation, just do not have the opportunity to get the help of doctors rehabilitators. The reasons are many from serious restrictions on their own mobility to the lack of specialized medical facilities at the place of residence. In addition, rehabilitation centers are very few even in Moscow, and rehabilitation services are expensive and for most people with disabilities simply not available. That is why specialists of the LRC program, developed to support patients at home, designed for people who need long-term or repeated rehabilitation.

As told Mednovosti head. office complex rehabilitation of Eugene Tsvetkov, the Remote rehabilitation project was established on the basis of the center of regenerative medicine and rehabilitation in mid-2014. To date this innovative project has involved about 1000 people. It’s the people who have suffered stroke, traumatic brain or spinal injury, patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

This program allows you to continue the process of recovery of the patient after discharge from the hospital or to start a player who is on disability is not the first year. Lessons with an instructor and under the supervision of a physician help to maintain physical fitness for people with motor disorders, speech disorders, loss of memory and concentration. Home patient is brought to the computer with special software, installed the equipment. In particular, cyclic simulator or devices for carrying out of passive mechanotherapy for joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Designed for 21 day program includes consultation of the neurologist, which will make the individual program of rehabilitation, and on-line control dynamic monitoring of patients by doctors office Remote home rehabilitation of LRC. And also: remote medical gymnastics, classes with a speech therapist or neuropsychologist (counselling and support, cognitive training) classes on cyclic machines. After each session, check the condition of the patient, and upon completion of the course assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

The requirements for participation in the program:

  • disability 1.2.
  • the presence of the IRP (individual rehabilitation plan);
  • – ;
  • the age of 18 years;
  • availability of home Internet.

Documents should be submitted no later than October 15. Additional information by phone: 7 (985) 823-20-50 or e-mail: [email protected]

Irina Reznik