Letter from the Editor: Embracing change

Be it starting a new job role, moving to a new city, or embarking on a new exercise regimen, change is rarely easy. It often means stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something that feels unnatural.

Think back to a time when you experienced a change in your life. You probably felt nervous, scared of the uncertainty that lay ahead.

How do you feel about this now? Did making this change have a positive impact on your life? Are you proud that you took the risk?

I asked the Medical News Today editorial team to think about some of the changes they have made in their lives. One news writer spoke about her decision to move 160 miles across the United Kingdom for a new job.

“Looking back from where I am today, I 100 percent do not regret making that choice,” she said, adding, “moving to a completely different city, with a completely different vibe from the one in which I used to live, has boosted my sense of motivation and made me want to do more with my creativity.”

Honor Whiteman, Managing Editor

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