Lack of sleep – health effects and ways of dealing

The contents

Good sleep and its importance

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

How to help the body regain a healthy sleep?

Lack of sleepcan destroy your physical and mental health. If you could influence it without making a profound change in your life, would you do it? Our society is obsessed with the constant search for various ways to make yourself healthy. People watching the news in the field of fitness, count calories, and infinite sitting on a diet. When our attention is focused on these types of lifestyle changes, we forget about the simplest that we could do to maintain your physical health. We just need to sleep better. Magicforum figured out what to do if you do not sleep how to beat insomnia and how it can be dangerous.

Good sleep and its importance

If you have not invested time and energy in improving sleep, trying to fix other aspects of life is a waste of time. Do not have to be perfect. Of course, you can go on a random night a party or staying up late to work on the project. But when it is taken for a rule, you put yourself at risk to face serious health problems. Regular lack of sleep is doing its job, the body is tired, and then begins to falter. Moreover, in various industries.

Deviation of the natural circadian rhythm for just one night could harm the body as a whole. Sleep strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the brain, increases concentration and helps the brain to function properly, contributing to the creation of new neural connections.

Most experts say that people should try every day to obtain seven to nine hours of sleep. However, everyone has own, different from others, the need for sleep. To find out what it is, you should within a few days to sleep and Wake up without using an alarm clock. Then calculate the average hours of sleep per night. This is your basic dream level; all that it does not hold, is considered to be lack of sleep. It may vary slightly depending on how you had a difficult load for the day. Sometimes excessive fatigue leads to the need to sleep longer, sometimes it is enough relaxation lesser duration.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

If a person is constantly sleeping less than you need, it is already starting to talk about sleep deprivation. It is easy to recognize. Appear chronic fatigue, weakness and moodiness, frequent illness, difficulty concentrating and weight gain.

However, these symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to other debilitating conditions. Eventually may develop the metabolic syndrome. It occurs when chronic inflammation extends throughout the body. This syndrome causes heart disease, excessive weight gain and the problems with insulin, which can lead to diabetes.

The brain is also experiencing the effects of sleep deprivation. Hormonal imbalance can cause anxiety and depression. Some experts believe that the crisis of mental health in our society is caused, at least in part, to chronic sleep deprivation.

How to help the body regain a healthy sleep?

There are simple habits that help to restore the correct balance of sleep/wakefulness:

1. Don’t let light into the bedroom. When exposed to light suppressed melatonin – the hormone that induces sleep. Artificial light, even in small quantity, can adversely affect the process of falling asleep, regardless of whether your eyes are closed or not. Hang in the bedroom, heavy curtains, and unplug before going to sleep all the electronics.

2. Avoid exposure to artificial lighting during the 60-90 minutes before bedtime. When you see artificial light, your melatonin level is at zero, and its recovery may take up to 90 minutes. If you can’t do without electronic devices for so long, try to configure them in such a way that the screen was filtered in blue.

3. Relax before bedtime. Do not trouble your brain challenging activity before bedtime. Otherwise you and after you go to bed, will be focused on your own thoughts and experienced stress. Let your body prepare for bed before you go to sleep. Reading by candlelight, controlled breathing, meditation and journaling – all great ways to relieve stress at the end of the day.

4. Stick to a schedule. The body likes to sleep. All people have different chronotype, that is, they have a tendency to go to bed at different times. But the regime is important for everyone. You have to train your body to know precisely when it needs rest and when it should be ready for a new period of activity. Once opened follow the routine as accurately as possible.

5. Cool the bedroom. When you sleep, the body temperature lowers slightly. Lower room temperature helps mimic this shift that makes sleep more comfortable.

6. Take supplements of magnesium. It has been proven that magnesium is the main weapon in the fight against insomnia. It helps to relax the body and reduce anxiety.

7. Use melatonin to counteract the artificial light. When you are exposed to artificial light just before sleeping, the body experiences a deficiency of melatonin. Suppression of its production could last up to 90 minutes after switching off artificial lighting. Melatonin deficiency weakens the immune system and prevents the passage of the body through all the necessary stages of sleep. The use of melatonin supplements helps to compensate and allows you to fall asleep faster. But it is better to discuss taking them with a professional to ensure that you choose the right dosage.

Sleep problems can be solved, it is important to believe in it. Often they can be solved independently, for this you just need to make mode for more healthy, to listen to the needs of her body, to give up stimulants and to relieve stress. However, in some cases, you may need professional help. If all folk remedies for insomnia do not help, see your doctor, he will be able to find a tool that will solve the problem.

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