How to get rid of the autumn Blues and depression?

The contents

Eat dark chocolate

Breathe deeply

Consume probiotics

Eat omega-3

Keep an active lifestyle

Let your life light

Eat the Goodies

Drink regular water

Arrange the original photo

Ditch unhealthy food

Relax as follows

Arrange shopping

Don’t use drugs

Fall is here, which means it’s time to be sad and languid look at the raindrops running down the glass. Isn’t it? Quite a large percentage of people upset due to the departure of summer, replaced by bright Sunny days comes the dreary autumn Blues.

But not everyone wants to be in that state, hoping to quickly return to the previous performance, active lifestyle, cheerful mood. In this article we will talk about how to achieve such a result and to get rid of autumn depression.

Eat dark chocolate

This sweet product is one of the most effective means of autumn sadness. The fact that it contains flavonoids, capable of releasing dopamine in the brain. This hormone is responsible for producing feelings of pleasure. Will also help to improve your mood other products — plums, figs, bananas, persimmons, apples, dates.

Breathe deeply

It is believed that a uniform and deep breathing is able to cope with any stress. Not for nothing, psychologists recommend while alarming, scary or tragic situation to breathe as deeply as possible. This contributes to the harmonization of the mental state.

Consume probiotics

Probiotics are an important component of any diet. They are contained in dairy products, e.g. yoghurt, kefir. It is believed that they are directly connected not only with the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, but and mood. The more of them in the diet, the higher the mood.

Eat omega-3

Fatty omega-3 acids are necessary for everyone. They will reduce the symptoms of depression, including autumn. Such acids can be podcherpnut from fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable oil and other products.

Keep an active lifestyle

What makes you sad? Sitting at home in front of the TV, greasy food, lack of sports or simple walks. All this has a negative effect on the emotional state of a person. Need to move more to the mood soared skyward. Besides the widely known fact that sports help to distract from unpleasant thoughts, to relax emotionally, to gather, to catch cheerfulness.

It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to exercise in the gym. You can at least start with walks in a nearby Park. After the fall is a beautiful time of year, especially the so-called Indian summer! Golden leaves, the last rays of the sun, fresh air and movement — that the cure for the autumn Blues.

Let your life light

As a rule, the absence of light is one of the most important and frequent causes of depression and stress. Quite often autumn and winter, the seasons with low amounts of sunlight are accompanied by oppressed state of the people. According to statistics, for this reason depression suffers every second inhabitant of our planet. To combat this condition in some countries suggest light therapy. There are special clinics, where they undergo a similar treatment. It is noteworthy that in some Russian clinics have already begun to use this therapy.

If you do not know where to find this treatment, take the elementary steps to let the light into your life. For example, the house is not zashtorivayte window so you can day “eat” solar energy. Often walk in the fresh air. Discard the dim lighting. Still not watching TV and not sit at the computer in the evening or at night in a dark room. Otherwise, vivacity and good mood will leave you.

Eat the Goodies

Not to say that stress-eating, and depression — wrong. This is to be done, but only the right foods. So, with the stress and melancholy of autumn, we should eat more Turkey, whole wheat bread, milk products, bananas, chocolate. The fact that milk contains the amino acid tryptophan which is a precursor hormone of good mood serotonin. Turkey also has amino acids that increase stress resistance. It is also useful to consume spinach as a source of folic acid. It is advisable to include in the diet apricots, as it has magnesium, chocolate, cocoa, which will contribute to the production of serotonin.

Drink regular water

Water is the source of life. When lack of fluid the body will never be in shape, and hence a good mood you can not see. A person should drink at least two liters of clean drinking water.

Arrange the original photo

If you are tired of the monotony on the weekends, then this is a sure way to brighten up the days. Preparing for a photo shoot takes a lot of time, so your everyday life will also be busy this event. Work with the photographer will give joyful emotions. And finally you will have a warm and beautiful pictures of this wonderful time of year.

Ditch unhealthy food

Fast food, processed foods, chips, fried food is the sources of your bad mood. Of course, at first you think that improves the mood due to the consumption of favorite food, but then, unfortunately, this pleasure disappears. Numerous studies have proven that such food worsens the mental condition. Improper diet increases the risk of depression by 40 percent. So it’s worth thinking about your diet and giving up all harmful.

Relax as follows

Rest is important at any time of the year. Without it it is impossible to imagine a normal life. No need to take on too much work in the fall, if you are susceptible to melancholy. If you are completely unable to work or live in the conditions that surround you, take a “day off”. Do what you would never do, go outside the city, into nature, find some master class or a new hobby, go to the Spa treatments… to Find a relaxing method suited for everyone. If you do not know this method, which will make you relax, simply lie down on the couch, sleep, watch good movies. All this should get you out of the state in which you were involved.

Arrange shopping

If you’re a fan of the new then you definitely have to go shopping. Buy a new scarf, gloves, purse… anything that will make you cheer. New paint can give a completely new experience.

Don’t use drugs

Antidepressants require caution. Typically, they appoint a doctor. However, the autumn Blues rarely treated with such medicines, because it’s just useless. It is better to use other means to combat the depression which has overtaken you in this time of year. Which, by the way, is listed above in the article, huge variety!