How to cook the 5 best teas for weight loss

The contents

How do the teas for weight loss

How to take slimming teas

Peppermint tea: reduces the feeling of hunger and stimulates digestion

Herbal tea from the herb maté: burns fat and calms the nervous hunger

Slimming tea lemon and ginger — speeds up metabolism

Herbal tea with diuretic

Green coffee helps to reduce the absorption of fat


Herbal teas for weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise can help us lose weight. We will tell you about how at home to cook fat-burning teas, based on natural herbs, which have diuretic, purifying and metabolism action. Magicforum figured out how to consume teas.

However, it is important to emphasize that these infusions should not be seen as a quick way to lose weight. These should be taken along with a healthy and balanced diet associated with regular physical exercise.

In addition, before use, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will assess the situation in each specific case, taking into account any diseases and medications.

In addition to weight loss, these extracts also help increase the urine output, thereby reducing water retention often associated with excess weight. To notice the positive effects of these teas, you should take them regularly, always following the advice and the doses proposed by the specialist or your doctor.

How do the teas for weight loss

Herbal teas help to lose weight thanks to the contained active ingredients that give these extracts thermogenic properties that help boost your metabolism, which makes it easier to burn calories.
In addition, they are prepared from herbs that are rich in fiber, which is a diuretic, laxative and cleansing effect. It promotes the excretion of toxic substances from the body, facilitating at the same time losing extra pounds. Fiber increases the feeling of satiety, reduces the absorption of intestinal fat and toxins.

How to take slimming teas

In order to achieve good results, you must daily consume 1 to 3 cups of herbal tea in the course of a month or more, depending on the practitioner. They can be taken immediately after the main meals and during snacking, keeping under control the feeling of hunger. For better efficiency weight loss avoid using sweeteners. It is advisable to buy herbs in pharmacies, or collect them only if you know them well in a clean place.

Peppermint tea: reduces the feeling of hunger and stimulates digestion

Herbal slimming tea is based on mint, especially peppermint is a natural way of controlling hunger and stimulating the digestive process. Drink it before the two main meals to improve digestion and control the appetite. To prepare a Cup of tea, take a spoon of dried or fresh mint leaves: if you are using fresh leaves, remember that you need to wash them before use. Boil water, turn off the heat and add the mint. Steep for 10 minutes in a Cup with a lid. Finally, strain and drink.

Herbal tea from the herb maté: burns fat and calms the nervous hunger

Another herbal tea promotes weight loss tea based on the herb mate. The drink is very popular in South America, where they drink it instead of coffee: it satisfies hunger, promotes diuresis, calms the nervous hunger and stimulates metabolism with its thermogenic properties. In addition, it gives a feeling of energy that lasts all day. To prepare one Cup, you will need a tablespoon of leaves of grass mate. Boil water, add the herb, leave to infuse for 5 minutes and drink without filtering. Do not drink this tea in the evening, if you have difficulty falling asleep.

Slimming tea lemon and ginger — speeds up metabolism

The perfect combination of ginger and lemon tea, perfect for stimulating metabolism and reducing hunger. Ginger contains gingerol, which makes it a thermogenic product, great burn fat naturally.
Lemon helps to combat water retention, eliminating the bloating. To make tea on the basis of ginger and lemon, boil 200 ml of water, then add 6 slices of ginger and half a lemon together with zest. Steep 10 minutes, drink after straining. Take this tea before main meals or in the morning. It will help naturally cleanse the body.

Herbal tea with diuretic

Other infusion for weight loss is herbal tea hibiscus, also called Roselle or red tea. This plant is native to tropical Africa — is an excellent diuretic and fat-burning means that does not contain caffeine. It can be drunk even in the evening without disturbing sleep. To cook, bring to boil 200 ml of water, add a tablespoon of dried hibiscus flowers, steep 10 minutes, drink hot or cold. You can add lemon juice if you drink it cold: it will be even better to quench your thirst.

Green coffee helps to reduce the absorption of fat

Effective herbal tea for fat burning — based on green coffee. It’s actually a regular coffee, which is collected before it reaches full maturity. In herbal medicine you can find it in beans or directly in a disposable sachet. Green coffee reduces the absorption of fats, thanks to metilxantina, substances with a lipolytic effect, and chlorogenic acid reduces the absorption of sugars from the intestine, speed up the metabolism.
If you buy beans, grind them using a coffee grinder, add a teaspoon in a Cup of very hot but not boiling water: the ideal temperature is 80° C. Leave to infuse 10 minutes, drink warm.


Slimming tea — a natural remedy should be used in conjunction with regular physical activity and a balanced diet. It is important, however, to consult before its use with your doctor, especially if it’s grass that you are allergic, you are taking medication or suffer from some chronic disease. It’s actually grass or plants that may interfere with certain medications. In addition, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Pay special attention to the collection of herbs: gather the herbs in a non-polluted areas and only if you know them well, otherwise buy from herbalists or pharmacy.

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