Family size affects cancer

Scientists have made a surprising finding: it turns out that in large families the risk of cancer is significantly lower. The relationship between family size and exposure to oncologic diseases has confirmed the statistical data collected in 178 countries.

“The larger the family, the less people get sick with certain types of cancer, including brain cancer, bladder, lung, stomach, breast, ovarian and melanoma,” stated the researchers.
This pattern is found, working together, scientists at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and the staff of the Medical school of the Adelaide University (Australia). The authors of the new project announced that they found a correlation manifests itself regardless of income, level of urbanization and the age of the people. If the family has many children, the risk of cancer in any case, the lower is the law works for both rich and poor. And, say the experts, lower the risk of cancer in large families is typical of not only parents and children but also others living with them households.

The exact cause of this phenomenon is yet to be established. Yet scientists believe that protection from cancer family people provide positive emotions that they experience in the midst of their loved ones. Emotional health enhances the body’s resistance to any disease, including the most serious, said the experts.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that cancer in a child may occur because of the mother.