Cancer in a child may develop due to mother

Lifestyle of pregnant women can lead to the appearance of cancer in her child, said the Director of Oncological Institute of Moldova Larisa Catrinici. According to the doctor, children often begin to suffer from cancer.

In an interview on radio Sputnik Moldova Larisa Catrinici said that for parents is a shock to learn about the presence of cancer in their child. Almost always parents, after hearing about a serious diagnosis, are perplexed: what could be the reason of cancer development? As said the oncologist, “this may be a mutational change”.

The Catrinici added that the children’s cancer causing mutational changes can be inherited, and can occur even during pregnancy. For example, any viral disease transferred a pregnant woman, can lead to the development of cancer in a child, said the oncologist.

The expert said that expectant mothers are especially important to watch yourself and not change your lifestyle. The Catrinici advised pregnant women not to get carried away spending time in the sun.

“Moms may think that gaining vitamin D, but in fact it can cause serious harm to the child,” – said the scientist.
Recent work by scientists from the Institute of cancer research showed that women who gave a birth to large children (weighing more than 4.5 kg), stronger risk of suffering from breast cancer – the chance of developing the disease by 53 per cent higher than women who give birth to normal children. Earlier Magicforum wrote that the cause of cancer could become the city’s air.