Drugs for reducing high blood pressure do more good, provided the good health of the oral cavity, according to a new study published in Hypertension, the journal of the American heart Association.
The results of the analysis based on a review of medical and dental reports of examinations more than 3,600 people with high blood pressure. The researchers found that when healthy gums blood pressure lowering drugs more effective. In particular, patients with periodontal disease 20% less reached healthy blood pressure levels compared to patients with healthy oral cavity.
Taking into account the results obtained, the researchers note that in periodontal disease may require more careful blood pressure control. Along with these, with diagnosed hypertension or continual high blood pressure it makes sense to refer to the periodontist.
Physicians should pay close attention to the oral health of patients, particularly those receiving treatment for hypertension, and urge those who have signs of periodontal disease to seek dental care. Similarly, experts in the field of dentistry needs to know that the health of the mouth is necessary for overall physiological health, including cardiovascular status, said the study’s lead author, dentist David Pietropaoli (Davide Pietropaoli), doctor of philosophy, University of Laquila (University of LAquila), Italy.
The target blood pressure for people with hypertension is less than 130/80 mm Hg.St. in accordance with the latest recommendations of the American heart Association / American College of cardiology. In the study, systolic blood pressure (the top indicates the pressure of blood on the walls of the arteries) in patients with severe periodontitis, there were on average 3 mm Hg.St. higher than in a good state of health of the oral cavity. The seemingly small difference of 3 mm Hg.St. a similar decrease in blood pressure, which can be achieved by reducing salt intake to 6 grams (a teaspoon or 2.4 g sodium) a day.
As it turned out in the course of the study, the presence of periodontal disease among individuals with untreated hypertension further widened the gap to 7 mm Hg.St. Drug to reduce blood pressure narrowed it down to 3 mm Hg.St., but not completely eliminated. Consequently, periodontal disease may influence the effectiveness of therapy of blood pressure.
Patients with high blood pressure and the clinicians who care for them should know that good health of the mouth can be as important in the control of the state, as well as some interference in lifestyle that help to control blood pressure, for example, a diet low in salt content, regular exercise and weight control, said Pietropaoli.
Although the study was not designed to determine how periodontal disease hinders the treatment of blood pressure, the results agree with previous studies linking mild inflammation in the oral cavity with damage to blood vessels and cardiovascular risk.
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