Coffee saves lives in chronic kidney disease

The journal Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation shared data study Portuguese scientists reviewed the cases of almost 5 thousands of patients and have established that caffeine can be life-saving in chronic kidney disease. According to scientists, coffee is a product with high ability to rejuvenate the blood vessels.

People suffering from kidney disease, the Portuguese, the scientists recommend to drink more coffee in their opinion, this is one of the most affordable ways to improve their health, for renal ailments. Effect of coffee experts associated with the fact that caffeine improves the functioning of blood vessels. It helps to release nitric oxide, under which the vessels dilate and blood flow aktiviziruyutsya.

“Due to the positive impact on the functionality of the circulatory system caffeine reduces the risk of premature death in people with chronic kidney disease,” reported the authors.
In this study, was attended by almost 5 thousand people with chronic kidney disease, whose data were collected from 1999 to 2010. After examining the features of lifestyle, the researchers found: people who consumed the largest amounts of caffeine, the risk of death in the next five years the average has decreased by almost a quarter. Depending on the amount of caffeine the participants were divided into four groups, ranging from 28 grams, 28-103 grams to 213 grams or more.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the healing properties of pumpkin and about whom it can not be used, despite the usefulness.