A character trait that makes you rich

The ability to patiently wait for the right time is a trait exhibited by people even in childhood. It also helps to achieve success and make a fortune, established the American specialists.

Psychologists from the University of temple have done an extensive study on the initial stage which were tested with children. During the “children’s” little experiment, participants were asked to make a choice: to take one treat, either, after waiting 14 minutes to get two.

Of course, not all children are able to endure the pause and prefer a momentary opportunity to get a tasty treat. But there were those who showed restraint and waited.

“Kids who indulged in momentary pleasure for future profits in subsequent years showed a higher level of success in the future became more wealthy than others,” said the authors of the project.
It is significant that in the next stages of this study involving 2.5 thousand volunteers aged from 25 years the results are similar in essence of the experiment was similar – more successful in the future, were people able to restrain their impatience.
Psychologists advise to teach children the ability to be patient and wait for the sake of using the time to get the best reward is, according to them, can help to get a good salary.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what habits provoke premature aging.