6 common misconceptions about the flu and colds

The symptoms of both diseases are similar, so many people confuse colds and flu. Scientists told about that, what other misconceptions about the treatment of these diseases often lead to erroneous actions and prevent recovery.

The flu shot can cause the flu! Such “horror stories” willingly spread by opponents of any vaccinations. But doctors explain: influenza vaccine does not include live virus, and get sick from vaccinations impossible. At the same time, infectious disease specialists confirmed that even a vaccinated person can still get sick with the flu. However, disease in those vaccinated, it flows much easier.

Denied the researchers and other well-known view on the treatment of flu and colds. As you know, during the season of infections start to lean to rich in vitamins food. However, according to scientists, no scientific evidence that vitamins prevent the flu or a cold. This, of course, does not mean that fruit and vegetables is not necessary. But during the illness, as scientists say, the best thing to do is to stock up on useful vitamin products, and to seek qualified medical help.

Also, experts say, it is not necessary to think that made last year the vaccine will help keep a cold at Bay this year. Immunity of the person decreases and flu strains are constantly changing, and it is this feature of the vaccines is being finalized and modernizarea. So should be vaccinated annually.

Can I get the flu, out on the street in cold weather in light clothing? Here the experts say it is impossible! The flu provides the penetration of the virus in the body and it triggered the immune. Most often infection comes through contact with a carrier of the disease.

Many people believe that physical activity helps to cope with discomfort. It’s too confusing. And a dangerous one. Scientists warn that playing sports during the illness just increase the risk of serious complications in the lungs and cardiovascular system.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have named 3 best product to strengthen the immune system in the fall.