8 cheap drugstore tools that improve the skin

Costly cosmetics is not for everyone. But experts say that even a cheap drugstore tools can give the effect is not inferior to the action of a much more expensive and respectable products.

Cheap pharmacy: lidaza and aloe. Use should be in the house: wipe the skin of face and neck lydasum in the morning aloe evening. It softens and refreshes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, improves the permeability of cells, stimulates the renewal of tissues. But remember that after 30 days of use for three months makes a break.

Cheap pharmacy tools: a zinc ointment. Zinc reduces irritation and reduces inflammation of the skin, is very efficient from acne. But with the ointment, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can provoke excessive dryness of the skin.

Cheap drugstore remedies: apricot oil. This product is quite suitable for daily use. Applied to the skin oil better than the expensive creams nourishes, softens and rejuvenates.

Cheap pharmacy funds: liquid vitamin E. This product should use for skin that has already appeared wrinkles, add it to the cream or water. Importantly, vitamin E liquid do not mix with essential oils and sea salt, as it provokes allergies.

Cheap pharmacy: tincture of calendula. Effectively fights with black dots and oily skin. Tincture of calendula diluted with water in proportion 1:1 and rubbed his face.

Cheap drugstore remedies: burdock oil. Well proven product for hair loss. Warm oil is applied to the hair, is absorbed some time and then washed off with shampoo.

Cheap pharmacy funds: solcoseryl. This ointment for healing wounds, also suitable as a mask for the face. If you do this mask 2-3 times a week, the skin will become more fresh and youthful by increasing the level of oxygen. Also, solcoseryl can be added to your usual cream.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how his grandmother’s beauty recipes you can trust.