Experts in the field of dietetics advice on how to adjust the diet to begin to lose weight.
Those who have firmly decided to part with excess weight, experts have advised to eat more foods with dietary fibers. Dietary fiber is a type of fiber, they stimulate the processes of digestion and metabolism, improve the condition of the intestinal microflora, and, in addition, provides a prolonged feeling of satiety. Foods rich in fiber – primarily fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Another tip: you need to try to eat at least in the evening. The metabolism in the body at this time slows down and the later meals are taken, the worse it is digested, and, therefore, the greater the likelihood that the calories it will go into “fat depots”, deposits of fat on the body.
Experts also recommend eating so the meals were too long pauses of several hours between the main meals can and should eat, say the nutritionists. However, in their opinion, for snacking you need to choose only healthy and natural foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, cheese and dairy products. Sweet snacking is impossible!
In addition, it is useful to acquire the habit of eating more unprocessed and raw foods. And finally, you should always eat slowly and thoughtfully, biting off small pieces and chewing food thoroughly. Refrain from the manner is, gazing at the TV or electronic device screen – this helps to quickly get enough and do not consume excess calories, which the brain does not notice when a person eats, distracted by something outside.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about what six products saturate the best.