Scientists from the University of Newcastle (UK) stated that the incidence of type 2 diabetes insulin-producing cells can sustain permanent damage. Researchers have named the period after which beta-cells eventually lose the ability to heal itself, and the diabetes goes chronic.
British experts have carried out the experiment, which was attended by 298 people who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.On the instructions of scientists, some of the volunteers after receiving the diagnosis switched to a low-calorie diet and stuck to it for three to five months. Having finished a diet, these participants continued to follow the rules of healthy eating.
When summarizing the results of these tests revealed that in the group sitting on a diet of the participants, 46% of diabetics had achieved remission. In the group where there was no need to observe a diet, the same figure was only 4%.
Then, researchers conducted another experiment – this time with patients who resorted to the diet after quite a long time after diagnosis. He also showed that the restriction in pitaniia body fat loss help people to achieve recovery. In diabetics, has passed the diet and was able to lose weight, recovered the function of beta cells that produce insulin.
At the same time, scientists were able to ensure that the diet and weight-loss can give the healing effect only if these measures are taken quickly after diagnosis. For example, patients who sit on a diet and start to lose weight later, 3.8 years after they are diagnosed with diabetes and was not able to overcome the disease.
“The longer the illness, the less likely the remission. Three years later, the beta cells cease to recover, and diabetes becomes chronic stage,” concluded the study authors.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that experts have identified the most effective diet to prolong life.